What Are the Key Screenplay Transitions? An ESSENTIAL Guide

Shaun of the Dead Screenplay Transitions

A blank page. A blinking cursor. Text: right-aligned. Font: courier new. FADE IN: Every movie, and therefore every screenplay, has transitions. Every change in time is a transition; every scene …

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What is Personification and Why is it Useful in Screenwriting?

Inside Out Personification in Screenwriting

Personification is a popular literary device that uses figurative language and can be a powerful tool in creating memorable characters and settings. However, it is not just used in poems …

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How Do You Best Convey the Passage of Time in Your Screenplay?

Passage of Time Metropolis

It’s rare that you would find a script without any significant passage of time whatsoever. It’s often a vital part of how a script develops and keeps its audience engaged. …

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What is the Definition of CINEMATIC, in Screenwriting Terms?

Blade Runner -Defintion of Cinematic

We’ve all heard the term “cinematic”. Film reviews, job offerings, script feedback, award acceptance speeches. Many people in the industry use this term, some of them quite lightly. But what …

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