ULTIMATE Online Screenwriting Course
The industry’s best-selling online screenwriting course.

Our ULTIMATE Online Screenwriting Course has now been taken by over 20,000 writers and filmmakers!
online course learners
“I thought I knew a lot about screenwriting. I’ve read articles and books about it but this course showed me exactly what I didn’t know. Great value for money and if you’re serious about trying to break in to screenwriting, then this is the course to go for.”

Kat Tyler

Just some of the companies our readers have worked for..
In the online screenwriting course we’ll teach you how to…

Maximize Your Writing Time
Time – or the lack of it – is the great pain point of the screenwriter. You can’t develop all your ideas in to full scripts. You can’t write all day, because you’ve got a day job. With us you’ll learn the pro tips and tactics to get the most of yourself, and your time.

Network (Even If You Know No-One In Showbiz)
Building relationships is an absolutely fundamental part of being a screenwriter. Today, you have to hustle, as well as write well – there’s no other way. We teach you all the short-cuts and insider tactics.

Dodge Mistakes & Accelerate Progress
Working out how to start your career as a screenwriter is one of the trickiest parts of the process, both creatively and in a business sense. After taking our course, you’ll have a crystal-clear view of the pathway ahead, what to do, and crucially what NOT to do…

About The Fundamentals of Screenwriting
Screenwriting is a craft, but when you begin to unpick your favourite shows and movies it’ll soon become clear that there’s familiar methods, systems and narrative structures in play. After taking our course you’ll know screenplay structure, back to front.
I’ve tried writing courses in the past and have never found one that helped in the way this one has. It’s well structured and well thought out. I found it very easy to follow and I also found it easy to put the information I picked up in to practice. I’m now working on a script with more confidence than I had before.

Jack Send
I took this course over a couple of months, which is one of the big advantages for me. I like to take my time and take things in, which you can’t do on a weekend residential course. Having gone at my own pace, I realised there was more to this course than I realised. It covers pretty much everything you need to know to produce and market a good screenplay.

Richie Shaw
Screenplays are hard to get right if you don’t know what you’re doing. The course really helped me understand exactly what’s needed to plan in advance to make sure it runs smoothly. Thank you Industrial Scripts for helping me to develop my screenplay.

Jon Stuart

Our Courses Are a Mixture of Video, Text, Quizzes and Writing Exercises
Our courses have been deliberately designed to encourage writers to learn as they write. Ideally, you’ll complete a full movie script as you work your way through the modules and lessons. Ultra-specific exercises that you can do even when you’re not online are peppered throughout the course, so you’re writing even on your daily commute!
“The best thing about the course was the ‘dos and dont’s’ section. Not so much for the ‘dos’, those are well covered, but more the ‘don’ts’. It’s so easy to get carried away with what you’ve learned and start writing, that you don’t realise that you could be making some obvious mistakes. This section made me more aware of what I shouldn’t be doing as I went along and I’m sure that helped me develop a much better script. Great advice.

Sue Brown
Give Your Script The Best Start In Life…
The screenplay, so they say, is like a writer’s baby: you birth it, raise it, sustain it, and then release it in to the world. But there are so many pitfalls, both in terms of the artistic process, and The Industry. Skyrocket your odds of success with ULTIMATE Screenwriting – you won’t regret it!

Our Unique Quiz System Pushes You to Absorb The Information
You probably think the quizzes in our courses are easy, right? Think again: we’ve made them deliberately tricky to keep you on your toes while you’re learning. Our system won’t let you move forward to the next lesson until you’ve nailed the quiz. True character is only revealed under pressure…
“I love the little quizzes at the end of each module. I do like getting all the questions right, but equally, I like getting the odd question wrong. It makes me go back and check over things which means I take in more of what I’ve learned. Overall I’d highly recommend Ultimate Screenwriting to anyone looking to develop scripts.

Troy Colenso
The Course Structure:
Modules > Lessons > Quizzes
Our ULTIMATE Online Screenwriting Course is divided into 6 core modules, which together consist of over 25 lessons.
The course puts an early emphasis on selecting strong concepts for your screenplay, before looking at major structural and character topics, and then drilling down to on-the-page script execution.

What You Get:
> Lifetime access to our epic online screenwriting for TV course.
> 6+ Core Modules, 26+ Lessons, Countless Exercises and Quizzes.
> Entertaining balance of video, text, exercise and quiz-based learning to keep you on your toes.
> Giant suite of bonus eBooks, unique guides, 40+ produced screenplays and more.
> From Industrial Scripts, the most reviewed script coverage company anywhere.
> Certificate of Completion.
“I’ve attended writing courses which are run by people who don’t know the industry. As you’d expect of Industrial Scripts, everyone involved in this course really does know what they’re talking about. I went back over what I had written as soon as I’d finished the course and found I could make it even better the 2nd time around…”

Debbie Eaton
ULTIMATE Online Screenwriting Course – Course Structure
An Introduction to Screenwriting
3 Lessons + Exercises + Videos + Quizzes
> The Basics of Screenwriting – definitions, elements, unique challenges
>What is Story
>Screenplay Format
Generating and Filtering Your Ideas
4 Lessons + Exercises + Videos + Quizzes
> Stages of Screenwriting – Loglines, Synopsis, Treatment, Script
> Generating Ideas / Judging Ideas / Testing Ideas
> Genre – genres & overview – writing through a filter
> Plot Types
Constructing Your Narrative
5 Lessons + Exercises + Videos + Quizzes
> Conflict – The Building Block of Drama
> The Hero’s Journey and 3 Act Structure
> Building Compelling Sequences
> Constructing Effective Scenes
> Utilising The Power of Theme
Crafting Complex Characters
3 Lessons + Exercises + Videos + Quizzes
> Exploring Character Functions
> Building Character Development
> Detailing Characterisation through Action, Dialogue & Description
The Writing Process
5 Lessons + Exercises + Videos + Quizzes
> Pulling Your Ingredients Together into a Plan
> Tools of Screenwriting – Dram Tension, Mystery, Dram Irony
> Dialogue – purposes, subtext, exercises, hiding exposition,
> Description – do’s and don’ts
> Pace & writing visually
The Marketplace and Breaking In To The Industry
5 Lessons + Exercises + Videos + Quizzes
> Introduction to the Feature Film Market
> Agents, Meetings & Pitching
> Self-Marketing, Networking, Building a Career
> Pay and Earning Potential
> Case Studies of Screenwriters Breaking Through
Bonus Study Materials + Guides
Get full access to our suite of unique study guides when you purchase any course. The pack includes…
6 x eBooks on challenging areas of screenwriting
3 x study guides on the industry and navigating it
Template agent & manager query letter
Detailed script coverage sample
40+ PDF Screenplays of Successful Movies
“The 20 Screenplays You Can Learn The Most From”
Script coverage templates
And more!

Serious Writer
Purchase the ULTIMATE Online Screenwriting Course and save yourself a hell of a lot of pain! We made all the mistakes you WILL make a long time ago, let us save you from them.

“Detailed without being over complicated, easily understood without being dumbed down this is THE ideal course for any student of screenwriting. It contains a wealth of information that is set out in a structured and entertaining way, with a huge amount of information conveyed in the lessons. Highly recommended.”

George Katz

Start Living Your BEST
Writing Life Today
Life’s short: you’re not here to get rich, you just want to develop amazing screenplays, to work with characters day-in, day-out, tinker with dialogue, cut a line here, add some scene description there.
You’re a Screenwriter. And the ULTIMATE Online Screenwriting Course Is For You.
Don’t Worry, We’ve Got You Covered
IF much of the information on this page turns out to be inaccurate then you can get a full refund at any time within 30 days of purchase. Simply raise a support ticket here carefully detailing how the information on this page is substantially inaccurate and we’ll refund you within 7 days.

Industrial Scripts
Specialist Script Developers Since 2010
About Industrial Scripts®
Founded in 2010, Industrial Scripts is today one of the world’s leading screenwriting companies, backed by major companies and with over 1,000 verified testimonials.
Our script consultants have significant industry credentials, writing coverage for companies and studios including Paramount Pictures, Warner Bros., Universal and many more. Working with screenwriters and filmmakers of all levels and from myriad locations, we also deliver intensive training both online and offline.
While our free Talent Connector promotes talent to the industry, our popular blog – Character-Driven – educates and entertains. We believe that rigorous script development is the foundation of great film and TV and is, indeed, essential.
Without it, the end product will fail.
Frequently Asked Questions
Got questions? Here are the most common queries we’re sent about the course…
How long do I get access for?
Through purchasing the course you’re guaranteed lifetime (or as long as the course exists/is on sale, and we have zero intention of folding it!) access. You can take it once, twice, three times…or as many times as you want.
Is the course mobile-friendly?
Whilst it’s possible to take the course on tablets and mobile devices, you’re going to get the best experience taking it on Google Chrome, on a stable broadband connection.
Do I have to write a full script while taking the course?
Whilst we highly recommend writing AS you move your way through the course modules, it’s not essential. Invariably you’ll have a lot of ideas for movie scripts while taking it, so we strongly recommend jotting down notes and keep track of all your loglines as you go.
How many hours does it take to complete the course? Is there “live” feedback, or a human teacher involved at all?
If you complete a full 120-page screenplay as advised, we’d estimate that completing the course and script will take in excess of 100 hours. And that’s before you get to the Bonus Materials. On the flip side, if you want to speed through the course that is probably achievable (though not recommended) within 20 hours. The course is a self-learning one, exclusively. No live teaching is included. Our innovative quiz system keeps you on your toes, self-marks you, and checks you’re taking on board the information.
I’m brand new to screenwriting, is the course for me?
100%. Our course is structured and aimed specifically at new screenwriters just starting out, and intermediate ones who maybe have lost their way and need a refresher. Don’t worry, as long as you’ve seen a solid number of movies in your life (which you surely have, if you’ve got this far) the course will give you the solid foundation you need.
Do I need special software to write my movie?
Whilst it’s not absolutely essential to write using specialist screenwriting software, life is going to be a lot easier if you do. Final Draft is the industry’s go-to choice in terms of software which formats your script correctly as you write. However there are plenty of free and paid alternatives.
There are so many aspects to a good script that it can be very difficult working out where to start. This is why it’s important to read the section designed to help you get you get all your information together to form a writing plan. Invaluable for making sure the writing flows smoothly. I found a lot of information here which helped me to get my screenplay finally finished.
Lots of help available in this course. Some I’d already learned elsewhere but some modules, such as the tools of screenwriting were new to me. Knowing the right way to increase (and decrease) the tension at the right moments makes the difference between a good screenplay and a bad one.
When I read my script I realised I kept wandering from the overall theme and introducing sub plots and sub themes. The section about theme really helped me with this, and made me concentrate more on the one plot and one theme.
I love the little quizzes at the end of each module. I do like getting all the questions right, but equally, I like getting the odd question wrong. It makes me go back and check over things which means I take in more of what I’ve learned. Overall I’d highly recommend Ultimate Screenwriting to anyone looking to develop scripts.
Having a completed script feels good. I know because I now have one. Then comes the really nerve wracking part: How to approach an agent and what to do. Thankfully help was on hand and i managed to get some very handy notes made ready for any meetings that came up. I feel a lot more confident in my approach now.
After completing this course I’ve realised that it’s much easier to plan my story around the hero rather than make him fit in. The hero’s journey is what’s important and I have learned the right way to go about this, adding sub plots and characters off from him. Many useful tips and ideas included.
Excellent course! I’m a beginner writer transitioning from an IT Industry. This course not only thoroughly introduced me to the world of screenwriting, but also provided me with tools and techniques to make the writing so much more powerful. Likewise, the course delivered on the practical front including marketing and pitching, and ultimately ended with a powerful expo of diverse and successful case studies.
I had lots of ideas all milling around for a plot, characters, what the twists and turns would be but no idea how to start. When I sat down I ended up with a jumbled mess. Thanks to the advice I learned all about formatting and pace and these were a huge help to me. Being able to plan and visualise really makes my screenplay come to life – which helps me to write it.
Perfect for the Beginner aspiring Screenwriter. This course provides a simple overview of the Industry, Nuts & Bolts of the trade standards, and, suggests useful exercises from which to develop original material.
I really enjoyed this course.
All writing has it’s own format and writing for the screen is no exception. Adapting my story for screen is completely different to working out where the chapters will start and finish. With a screenplay you have to work out every shot and plan your story accordingly. Thank you for the help with this, as I was struggling with it.
When I read through my screenplay I realised that it quite simply didn’t flow right. Then I read the section about sequences and realised why. Even a small scene can make a big difference in making the plot flow smoothly and not seem disjointed. Overall a very helpful course.
By using the advice given in the section on Characterisation through Action, Dialogue & Description, I removed one whole section of my screenplay and completely changed it. My hero just wasn’t as Alpha male as he needed to be and I did need support from other characters. As a screenplay I can see that this would immediately make the whole thing more interesting as up until then it pretty much revolved completely around the one person.
I had a screenplay written before I purchased this course – or so I thought. After reading through the basics I knew I had a lot to do. There are things you need in a screenplay which are not the same as any other style of writing and understanding the differences means you are half way there. I found I had to change the way I was thinking before I reformatted my old screenplay after understanding the basics that I needed to have. Suffice to say, the whole product is now a different piece of work.
So I got this as a follow up to the script writing course. I want to try to turn a few of my scripts in to a screenplay. This really isn’t straightforward and I’m glad I invested in this course. My characters and plots have to change as I have less overall time to develop them and as a writer I found this a really useful exercise.
Very interesting last section which provided case studies of screenwriters who are becoming successful. It’s always interesting to read about fellow writers and how the got their big break and some of these stories were fascinating. I’d like to think that after completing this course I’ll be lucky enough to join them and get a positive response to my screenplay.
The Hero’s Journey is a very interesting module to study. I knew who he was, where he was from and what he was going to do. What I had not considered was how his actions affect everyone else and in some cases, how he got to where he was. I really did need to stop and think in a lot more detail. This was exactly the sort of help I was hoping to get and a lot more. I’m now reading the final sections about what to do once I’m happy with my completed screenplay.
I’m working on a screenplay about a spy, so knowing how to create good drama is important for me. I have the ideas, I just wasn’t sure how to write them in to the screenplay so that they had the desired effect of building the tension. The section of the course which explained this did mean I had to go back over the work I’d already done but this is exactly why I signed up in the first place. I still have a lot of work to do but my screenplay is progressing a lot better than it was.
From start to finish I knew I was going to learn a lot and I did. The one thing we all want to know is how much do we charge if someone likes the script? That’s covered but I’d like to see a little more there about potential negotiations. We won’t all have an agent to do that for us and that’s the sort of thing that can be really daunting for someone starting out. It is really useful, though, to know where to pitch it when getting interest.
As a beginner I was really keen to make a start and get to work on my screenplay. I had the idea, plot and I thought I had enough to put it all together. Seems I was wrong. Dialogue is one of the most important things in any screenplay and while I knew this, I didn’t appreciate just how it dictates the mood and atmosphere as well. There are some great exercises all about dialogue and how to work the plot in to it. Lots of exercises really help all through the course but the option so send questions would benefit those like me who have little experience.
While there is a lot of good in this course, and it really is good, I felt the last sections could have used a little more information. Finding and agent to represent you and knowing how to pitch the screenplay are vital to get noticed. There is a lot of very useful advice in the course, but I did feel that section could have offered a little more. I have started to send my screenplay off and while I know I’ve got it as good as I can, I’m not confident I’ve pitched it right. Overall a good way to plan and plot and make sure that everything you need is included.
Lots of information here. Most of which was wel thought out and did improve my screenplay. Good section on putting it all together in the right order, which isn’t as easy as it sounds. I did feel some sections had a bit too much to take in but it does help to re read it as you work through your play.
Being severely disabled means I cannot attend residential courses, so I rely on the internet to help me with my writing. The fact that the course is well laid out and each module is easy to find is an added bonus. If I want to refer back to something as I develop my screenplay, it’s easy to find where I need to be. The disadvantage of doing it online means you are unable to exchange ideas with fellow writers, something I enjoy doing and learn from. Being able to learn at my own pace in my own home is a big thing for me and this course did help me a great deal.
Writing my screenplay and the narrative wasn’t really a problem. It was breaking it down in to scenes which was problematic. Thankfully there is a section here which helps with that and makes it easier to break the screenplay down without losing the flow of the plot. A great module and a great course, but the option for some feedback would be useful.
Something I’d never given any thought to was the functions of the different characters to the overall plot. This is actually very important so that section is extremely helpful to the overall development of my script. If I have any criticism it’s that I’d like some feedback on some of the changes that I’ve made. Having said that, my family are taking great interest now they know I’m taking this course to get the help I need.
I’ve learned a lot from this course. All the modules are well laid out and the section about tension, mystery and irony was something I’d never really considered. It was all new information to me and something I need to keep in mind as I write.
So glad I found this course and really worth the money. I had no idea how to lay out my screenplay and one of the earliest modules is all about format. There is no way I could have attempted to start a screenplay without this information. The technique of a screenplay is like nothing I’ve ever written before and knowing how to start is wonderful.
I always knew there were a number of different genres to write for but I never before realised how many and how each can be adapted. I managed to work in a sub genre to my screenplay which adds a neat little twist. Great information and a big help.
I always thought I was pretty good at visualising my characters as I wrote. After reading this course I realise just how wrong I was. I’ve now learned how to visualise the background, the other characters who may not be involved in the dialogue and even minor details which could have an impact on the plot. So much helpful information.
I found it easy to work through the course and spent a long time reading the section on plot types. I actually never realised there was so much to this. I know that comedy and mystery will differ but I hadn’t realised the subtleties and how to implement them. It actually inspired me to try my hand at something I never usually write.
The best thing I found on the course was the ‘dos and dont’s’ section. Not so much for the ‘dos’, those are well covered, but more the ‘don’ts’. It’s so easy to get carried away with what you’ve learned and start writing, that you don’t realise that you could be making some obvious mistakes. This section made me more aware of what I shouldn’t be doing as I went along and I’m sure that helped me develop a much better script. Great advice.
It’s so easy to get carried away when you start writing then realise, when you read back, that it just doesn’t flow properly and there are errors. This has an excellent section which explains how to structure the plot to develop the script. By taking it slowly and working on each section at a time, I am finally developing a script which reads easily.
Although I had an idea for a story I had no idea where to start when it came to planning and plotting. While the course as a whole proved beneficial, I found the section on planning to be invaluable. I’ve repeated that module, using the ideas in it, and am now well on my way to having a completed piece of work.
I’ve been an actor for quite awhile now. National commercials, feature films and shorts and other fun things sprinkled in between. I started writing novels years ago and have two books from that world or writing. Every so often I sketch out a screen play and finish them and they sit on my hard drive forvever a static shock or leaky roof away from being gone forvever. After the last feature I worked on I decided to write a screen play for that director. He liked it, and hurray. When I seen this program on sale I decided to take it to pass the time, after all, what was I going to learn, right? Apparently a lot. I am lackluster in my comrehesion of the English langauge and failed every English classes I’ve taken (I’m a native speaker, just an idiot.) I also failed a script writing class in my attempt at a college degree. Even with that piled up list of my glaring stupidity, I decided to start writing with some success. But this program taught me more in a however long it took me to finish it than years of reading scripts and working on them has. When I look at the subpar writing and completely dismal creativity of upcoming film makers, be they students or starting out I wish they’d take this course. It hasn’t taught me new idea’s or how to write, it taught me how to format my writing and made me go back and improve my previous scripts by asking questions that I hadn’t before. I’ve suggested this to people I’ve worked on TV shows with and even them as accomplished writers learn a thing or two. I am excited to take the novel writing course which again, I’ve written two, but in this world you should understand that you will never learn everything. So get off your high horse and take a few minute out of your day to do these courses.
I asked a few family members what they thought about my idea for a plot and that was as far as I got. I’ve worked on my script alongside the course and I was so happy when I got to the section giving me lots of help about how to get ideas and how to test them. Since I got to this module I’ve found myself making notes about ideas and using the techniques I’ve learned to expand them. My original plot was good but as with everything it did need expanding. The other modules are just as informative so I’m doing a lot of planning work and practice.
I was prepared to send my screenplay to tv companies. That was until I got to the advice about marketing. I never even gave the internet a thought as a platform for a screenplay. Lots of advice how to approach different companies who use different media. All the information is here to help write a screenplay for different platforms, including the best way to approach them. This has opened up my eyes and made me rethink my target audience.
I’m actually giving 4.5 for this. If I had one criticism it would be that there are maybe too many case studies. They are extremely interesting and insightful, but I felt one from each genre would be enough. They do cover a range of plots and storylines and I must agree that they did all provide a better understanding of how a good script is put together. Overall a very well put together course and one that I know I can take at my own time.
I had a great idea for a plot but when I finished my first script it was way too short. Thankfully this course has a module which can help to develop the plot and characters. Having worked through this my script is now an acceptable length and my characters have a lot more about them. My plot also has some surprises which I hadn’t originally planned. Great course.
Screenplays are hard to get right if you don’t know what you’re doing. I thought I understood the layout of a screenplay until I worked through the lesson about the different stages of screenwriting. This led to a lot of alterations, but it certainly read a lot better after I’d done them. It helped me understand exactly what’s needed to plan in advance to make sure it runs smoothly. Thank you Industrial Scripts for helping me to develop my screenplay.
Having finished the course I was pleasantly surprised with the last section. The whole course is geared towards you getting the best from your ideas and making sure you pitch it right. The last section takes this one step further and provides invaluable advice about how to send off your finished piece and even what to look out for if you’re lucky enough to sell it. This kind of information is only usually acquired through experience so having a module to warn you of the best, and worst, ways of doing things in advance is probably the most help I could get from this.
Narrative has always been a problem for me so I really needed help with screenwriting. This course has a section dedicated to narrative and I’ve now realised what I need to do and thanks to the tips it’s started to get a lot easier. My screenplay still needs a lot of work but now I’ve got the narrative under control I feel I’m halfway there. The rest of the course provided a combination of things I did and didn’t know but it’s always good to have things confirmed. 4.5 stars for this one.
Initially I wanted to get help with the actual formatting of a script but I found the section about the TV market at the moment to be the most interesting. I never expected to find this module in a course and it simply made me think about not only my target audience, but the sort of company I would be selling my script too as well. That’s a big help in making sure my plot is correctly thought out. And of course the module about developing the plot helped even more. I would have like the opportunity for some sort of feedback but it has given me the confidence I needed to actually send off my first script.
I had intended to work quickly through this but I found myself engrossed in the case studies, to the extent that I found old episodes to watch. It was fascinating seeing these techniques in action on screen and this alone has given be a better insight in to my writing.
The secret to getting your writing noticed is to get it right. I have had expert help from this course to help me with developing all parts of my script. I’m still not confident enough to send it off, but I know if I carry on using the techniques advised then I’ll have something I can be really proud of.
I’ve attended writing courses which are run by people who actually don’t know the industry. Everyone involved in this course really does know what they’re talking about. I went back over what I had written as soon as I’d finished the course and found I could make it even better the 2nd time around.
Positives: Well structured. Good, very useful, information. Nice modules which you can work through at your own pace.
Negatives: I feel the course is a little too generic at times, aimed at everyone.
Overall: On the whole a very professionally planned course and I did get a lot of benefit from it. I would recommend this to anyone thinking of writing a script. It really will point you in the right direction when it comes to plot, characterization, structure and even what to do once it’s completed.
I did this course over the a couple of months, which is one of the big advantages for me. I like to take my time and take things in, which you can’t do on a weekend residential course. Having gone at my own pace, I realised there was more to this course than I realised. It covers pretty much everything you need to know to produce and market a good screenplay.
Finally I can put all my ideas in to practice. I’ve tried a few times to write a script but it’s a lot harder to do than I thought. This provides a step by step guide which means I can do a section at a time and I know I’ve done it properly. Lots of ways to make me thing as well about plot and character.
Good course which helped get me started. I wasn’t sure about some of the sections, the quality varied at times. Overall though a very professional course, and delivers the guidance and training expected to get your screenwriting off to the best start.
I’ve had some ideas floating around for a while but didn’t really know where to start to come up with a good script. This course really pointed me in the right direction. I appreciate all the professional advice it offers and more so, the advice about how to deal with agents. A very thorough course.
I thought I knew a lot about screen writing. I’ve read articles and books about it but this course showed me exactly what I didn’t know. It also gives great advice how to apply the things it teaches. Great value for money and if you’re serious about trying to break in to screenwriting, then this is the course to go for.
Wonderful course. I decided to do this before actually putting pen to paper. It’s been great fun putting the ideas and suggestions in to practice as I’ve gone along.
If you’re serious about writing the best you can, then you need this course. It’s not only full of advice and help to make you get the best from yourself, but there’s so much more to help you progress when it comes to marketing your work. I’m 100% happy with what I got from this course.
I was keen to find out just what I’d learn from this course and I got a nice surprise. It’s very obvious from the start that this has been written by someone who knows what they’re talking about. The information is not only practical but designed to make you think clearly about what you’re trying to achieve. A great help to my writing.
My script is aimed at a very niche market and if I were being hypercritical I’d say this course is better suited to writers wanting to develop mainstream films. That said, the course as a whole has proved extremely interesting and I have no doubt will prove to be very useful in the future too. I took a lot out of it.
I thought this was a great course. It’s absolutely packed full of great learning, and information, and it crucially gave me a structure within which to write. I was definitely lacking that before, operating in a vacuum. If I have a criticism it’s that some of the 3-Act stuff I knew already, so those sections delivered less value for me. Having said that I did like the way the course was laid out and there is plenty of extra information on the market, and on the business of being a screenwriter. Recommended.
Everything about this course is designed to help. It uses sound ideas to help you understand how to get started and how to keep the momentum going. I’m still working on the main ideas for my screenplay but by taking it slowly I know I’l get it right.
I did this course before I started my script. I think if I’d done it the other way round I’d have had to make too many corrections. This is a thorough course which helps you think outside the box to give yourself the best chance of being noticed.
As someone new to writing this has been a wonderful source of help and support. It covers everything you need to know, especially if you are a newbie like me. I’m so glad I took the plunge and signed up.
I learned a lot from the case studies in this course. It’s so much more useful to have something practical to compare your work with. These case studies alone helped me to develop my ideas more.
I decided to turn one of my stories in to a screenplay. I thought it would be easy until I started then I just hit more and more problems. This course really helped me out. It provided me with the structure I need and even helped me add to the overall story as well. Without this course I’d still be struggling, but I now have an almost completed screenplay waiting to be sent off.
I knew there were differences in style and formatting when writing for tv or film, but until I did this course I didn’t appreciate just how the style varies. I’ve learned a lot from this course and it’s all information I can use on other projects too.
I’ve never taken part in any sort of writing course before so I really didn’t know what to expect. I was pleasantly surprised at how easy it is to work through each module. The course seems very well planned and designed to make sure you get the best from it.
This is obviously written by someone who knows what they’re talking about. I don’t think I’ll write the next blockbuster, but this course will give me the confidence to at least send my finished script off.
Travel is difficult for me so an online course means I can learn when I can. I signed up to this and almost had to stop myself because I was so engrossed I just kept reading.
Easy to follow modules that I can complete in my own time. I already have a half completed script now. Thank you so much for this course.
Writing is easy but making sure what you produce is professional is something else. This course covers everything you need to know to get you the best start.
I’ve had an idea for a TV show for a while but I didn’t know where to start. This course has really helped me to get started and given me some great ideas along the way.
I’m halfway through so far and I’ve already got such a lot from this course. I’m making alterations to a film script I’ve written and thanks to this course it’s making more sense and getting a lot easier. This is well worth the money, and it has the advantage that I can work at my own pace.
I really wasn’t sure about an online course but I also didn’t want to spend a weekend in a hotel with a bunch of strangers. This course is everything it promised to be. There are some useful tips in there which really make you think. I had a script written but now I’m going through it again with a lot more confidence.
Very well thought out and full of plenty of information to help with screenwriting. My only comment is I didn’t always agree with some of the feedback. Having said that I know that writing is always subjective and the comments I received were constructive. I am very pleased with the way this course was run.
Not just a course to help me write a good script, but lots of useful information about the television medium as well. This information helps to target the script to make sure it created the best impression. Great course.
I have tried writing courses in the past and have never found one that helped in the way this one has. It’s well structured and well thought out. I found it very easy to follow and I also found it easy to put the information I picked up in to practice. I’m now working on a script with more confidence than I had before.
Detailed without being over complicated, easily understood without being dumbed down this is THE ideal course for any student of screenwriting. It contains a wealth of information that is set out in a structured and entertaining way, with a huge amount of information conveyed in the lessons. Highly recommended.
A well-organised, step-by-step introduction to screenwriting. Perfect for novice screenwriters and a useful foundation-building course for intermediates. It covers all the main elements from insights into how the industry works through to planning, structuring and writing a script. Having more in-depth tools on particular aspects of the writing craft would make the course even more valuable for more experienced writers looking to take their skills to the next level, but a perfect primer.
The course was formatted very well.Each Chapter built on the last. The handouts and examples were very helpful. I am very glad I took the course and I feel it has properly prepared me to tackle this project. I am very excited to put the tools the course provided me to practice and complete my screenplay.
I found this course to be very helpful. Just coming out of college (that had no film program besides a minor in film) and a rough understanding on how to write a screenplay, this course really helped broaden my understanding of not only the process of screenwriting, but the film industry itself. While some of the lessons may seem tedious (from the basic nature or redundancy of the storytelling mechanics) it is still important to learn them in order to see a different perspective in how to approach telling a story and to see how well broken down the mechanics are for anyone to understand them. Not to mention, having the ability to freely come back whenever I feel like it to complete another course is refreshing and doesn’t let me feel overwhelmed. Overall, if anyone is looking into doing screenwriting and working in the film industry, I would highly suggest investing in this course.
This course is a great introduction for beginners. The last module, on business, agents and marketing, is particularly practical. You would get the most out of this course by doing the exercises, which are well thought out. There is also not the dogmatic adherence to any particular plot or characterisation formulae you sometimes see in screenwriting courses. Note that I’ve given this high rating for a beginning screenwriter, as there is some valuable advice and lessons in it. You can also progress at your own pace, which is convenient.
Television is the most exciting format today, the place where all the best writers are heading. The creative possibilities are limitless – and it pays well! Industrial Script’s services are peerless. So take the course – who knows where it may lead!
I LOVE Industrial Script’s courses and feedback services! They’re always my first choice and can’t recommend them enough!
I have a number of ideas for screenplays, and not only does this course detail the hows (format, dialogue, props, sounds, action), it also covers planning, conflict, character developing, and selling your screenplay. This is a great place to start to learn the basics of writing screenplays.
This is my first time taking an online screenwriting course and I must say it was truly amazing. The course was very informative, very descriptive, as well as an easy read. I am positive this course will have a huge impact in my future career of becoming a professional screenwriter. I will definitely recommend this course to anyone who is attempting to touch audiences with the written word. So thank you Industrial Scripts for helping me on the road to my success.
I found the majority of the course to be good review of fundamental storytelling elements and would probably be more useful for someone just beginning to write. A lot of it is really just common sense. Still, valuable info. The real prize comes at the end about getting an agent, managers, services, and pay – though, as an American, some of the UK stuff is lost on me. All in all, this course is worth checking out but a bit basic.
Just completed this course, I took it as a refresher to my college screenwriting classes and I felt that it was worth it. I learned new tricks and methods for outlining a story and character and appreciated all the downloads that they include. Through the course of it, I even finished a short script and outlined a feature script!
Good structure, well organized. Good basis for screenwriting, a good insight into the industry and what is expected, offers the necessary tools and tips to give you a realistic idea of what is to be a screenwriter and how it should be approached and managed. I would recommend it to anyone pursuing a career on screenwriting or someone who wants a clear idea of what is involved in it.
This Screenwriting Course is so much more than that; it comprehensively covers the craft of storytelling, including literary aspects that have made stories compelling throughout the ages. The course then shows the student how to incorporate timeless literary elements into the contemporary script. Excellent experience.
This course teaches you how to create and write your own TV show by dissecting the successes (and failures) on our TV screens, and building your knowledge and skills in drama and comedy writing. It covers not just what’s on the page, but what you need to know about the business behind the scenes too. We hope you like it and learn a great deal in the process.
I think the course content is very good and I am looking forward to completing more of the lessons over the coming weeks. I would recommend this to anyone interested in film scriptwriting.
This course is a luminous path towards screenwriting. You can tell it’s been written by professionals who love their craft. It’s inspiring, enriching and motivating. It’s a ‘must do’ for any aspiring writer who wishes to see his golden Hero reach his destination successfully.
Clear and compelling – just like a good script!
I enrolled on this Online Screenwriting Course after being impressed by the level of detail in another course from Industrial Scripts. I’m equally impressed by this one – it’s rigorous, thorough and straight to the point. In other words, whether you’re a newcomer to scriptwriting (like me) or have already completed several scripts, you’ll find it contains plenty of useful pointers and advice. As I progress through the course, I’m taking plenty of notes – and will certainly be referring to them often when I plan and draft scripts.
From the outset, the course emphasises that writing scripts is a craft – it’s not enough just to read a few books on the subject, watch a few films and hope for the best. For this reason, the course regularly invites you to complete exercises designed to help you apply what you’re learning in a practical manner – and ultimately up your game. For example, I’ve completely changed the logline for my current project as a result of what this course has taught me about making characters, goals and conflicts as compelling as possible.
One of my favourite parts of this course invites you to think about your scripts/script ideas from the perspective of other industry members (e.g. producers, directors, casting agents, etc.). I find that approach particularly helpful: it highlights the fact that bringing a script to screen or stage is a highly collaborative process. We may sit and write our scripts alone but must never forget the importance of working with others in the industry in order to achieve our goals – and theirs.
My only suggestion for improvement would be to make the course’s default text size larger. For now, I just use my browser’s zoom function if my eyes are feeling tired.
Overall, this is a great course for the newbie and even for the established scriptwriter who’s looking for a refresher. And the upbeat, no-nonsense tone in which it is written is certainly very refreshing!
Love it! This is the first time I have taken a screenwriting course. The lessons are beginner-friendly, well organized, and written well. Other resources on the website are also highly useful. I would recommend if you have an interest in learning at your own pace.
This is the first online screenwriting course I’ve done but I have to say that I really enjoy it. The flexibility to do it when I want really helps as I work full time so doing it as or when helps a lot. I’ve had an idea for a script for a while and this course is really helping me get the idea formed properly and try and make it as brilliant as it can be in order for submission. I really like the fact it is easy to navigate and structured well, so I can take my iPad out and do a bit in a cafe to allow my mind to focus on it without being interrupted at home or work. Thanks to a great deal I got on buying the course, I am very pleased.
Well, if you want to talk about an exciting, informative, well written, and easy to follow training course, then the online screenwriting course is for you! I am devouring the information planned out in each lesson, and have learned so many definitions and terminologies that I have never known before! At this rate, I will be an expert screenwriter in no time! I definitely recommend this course to anyone who has a passion for screen writing, and the drive to develop the necessary skills to make their project a success. Sign up today, and be on your way to making your dreams come true!
Still going through the course, but it’s a great kick start for your script writing skills. I enjoy reading through the courses in my own time and pace. Recommended for all those who don’t feel like paying 12,000 pounds for a university.
I’ve always wanted to learn screenwriting and this is my chance at a cheap price. So far, the online course is perfect. I’ve learned many do’s and don’ts. It’s teaching me the process before I get started.
Enjoyable to work through and consistently interesting. The advice seems logical, and the course is well structured, leading you through the process from initial concept through to pitching, marketing and contracts. Sadly, Oscar acceptance speeches are not covered.
I just started and have only been through 3 lessons. My first online course and it is very user friendly. I am hoping to write a book to film adaptation.
I am taking this course to help me to develop an older script which I did not get around to finishing and I am finding it very useful. The quiz is enough for me to help me remember what I’ve learned. I am looking forward to taking the rest of the course.
In the process of writing my 4th screenplay, I felt a bit rusty, as it has been years since I completed my last one. Your course was the perfect refresher for me. It has been very helpful in so many ways, and I’m certain that my script will improve because of it. Thank you for being out there, as writing is a lonely profession, and your course served as a super support system for me, that is much appreciated.
Lori Meyer
This course systematically takes you through all the areas you need to cover as a new screenwriter. It’s great to be able to work online, any time, at your own speed, in the safe knowledge that what you’re learning has been expertly crafted by people in the industry.
This is the first online screenwriting course that I am doing and at the moment is being great. The lessons are useful. It is very easy to do it in your free time. I really recommend it.
I am still working through the course but it’s a great support to pick up and put down and supporting you through the planning, developing and writing of a feature film script. I’ve specialised in writing numerous short film scripts, but this has been perfect to work alongside as I construct my feature film script. Recommended not just for the beginners but those who have had some experience of script writing.
4.8 stars. This course was set up in a logical, organized way that made it easy to follow. I have taken a screenwriting course once before, but this course expanded on my knowledge and provided handouts and examples to better guide me through the writing process. I was able to complete the course easily during my free time, and am excited to continue working on my screenplay. My only critique is that I missed the networking opportunities of a live course.
This is our 1st online training course, which builds on our years of experience and knowledge of film screenwriting. The course can be taken at your own pace, and to suit your own schedule, and delivers what we consider the perfect start to the new film screenwriter.