The 10 Best Literary Agents for Writers & Filmmakers

screenwriter-it-can-be-confusing-navigating-the-multitude-of-literary-agents-out-there”>As a screenwriter, it can be confusing navigating the multitude of literary agents out there.

Big or small, almost all literary agents won’t accept unsolicited material.

Many specify that unsolicited material will be returned or destroyed unread, in order to protect them from complaints or lawsuits from disgruntled amateurs.

These days, when it’s easier than ever for a script to linger at the bottom of an unread email folder, it’s a business of referral.

The ideal scenario is, with some buzz behind you, agents will be seeking you out with as much passion as you’re pursuing them.

Then the difficult decisions begin.

Researching agents means following trade publications like Variety, Deadline, The Hollywood Reporter, and ScreenDaily for signings, spec sales, writing assignments and TV staffing news.

Which literary agents are expanding?

Which agents and their clients are defecting and to where? (Poaching happens frequently among the bigger agencies.)

Which literary agents have represented writers with the kind of career that you’d like to have?

To help narrow it down here are, in alphabetical order, 10 of the very, very best…


10 best literary agents for writers


Agency for the Performing Arts was founded in New York in 1962 by former agents from MCA (the record company). It has since expanded its remit from musicians to across the entertainment industries, and has a record for packaging TV shows such as HOME IMPROVEMENT, ROSEANNE, 24, and GRIMM.

Some of APA’s clients are:

  • Adam Green (FROZEN, HATCHET)
  • Nick Bakay (MOM, THE KING OF QUEENS)
  • Milo Addica (MONSTER’S BALL)


Billing itself as “the world’s leading entertainment and sports agency”, CAA was founded in 1975 by agents from William Morris. Headquartered in Los Angeles but with offices around the world, it is, along with William Morris Endeavor, one of the largest agencies.

Among its many clients are:

  • J. J. Abrams (STAR WARS)
  • Jeff Greenstein (DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES)
  • Aaron Sorkin (THE SOCIAL NETWORK, writer-director of MOLLY’S GAME)
  • Taika Waititi (writer-director of HUNT FOR THE WILDERPEOPLE, THOR: RAGNAROK)

Curtis Brown (UK)

Curtis Brown was founded in 1899, although the current film, theatre, and television department began with the arrival of Nick Marston in 1997. They also produce films and television through Cuba Pictures (including JONATHAN STRANGE & MR NORRELL).

Curtis Brown boasts a strong roster of UK feature and TV talent, including:

  • Hossein Amini (DRIVE)
  • Debbie Isitt (writer-director of NATIVITY)
  • Kevin Cecil, Andy Riley (BLACK BOOKS)
  • Damon Beesley, Iain Morris (THE INBETWEENERS)
  • Tony Roche (THE THICK OF IT)
  • David Wolstencroft (creator of SPOOKS)
Hossein Amini | BAFTA Screenwriters' Lecture Series

Gersh Agency (US) 

Gersh was founded in 1949 by Phil Gersh, an agent in classic Hollywood (he represented Humphrey Bogart and Arthur Hiller, among others). It’s currently based in Beverly Hills and New York City and is one of the largest of the mid-size agencies.

In 2009, Gersh started its own film financing and packaging division under producer Jay Cohen, and in 2015 it added a commercial production division too.

Clients of Gersh include:

  • Stephen J. Rivele (ALI, A STAR IS BORN)
  • Garth Jennings (writer-director of SON OF RAMBOW, SING)
  • Matt Mira (THE GOLDBERGS)
  • Mike Clattenburg (TRAILER PARK BOYS)

Independent Talent (UK) 

Independent Talent was founded as Duncan Heath & Associates in 1973. It was bought by ICM in 1985 but became independent again in 2002 and was appropriately renamed Independent Talent in 2007. 

Among others, Independent Talent has on its books:

  • Richard Ayoade (writer-director of SUBMARINE, THE DOUBLE)
  • Edgar Wright (writer-director of HOTT FUZZ, BABY DRIVER)
  • Jamie Brittain (co-creator of SKINS)
  • Stephen Fingleton (writer-director of THE SURVIVALIST)
Writer/Director Stephen Fingleton | Meet the Breakthrough Brits 2015


Talent and literary agents ICM was formed in 1975 through a merger of two existing agencies. With offices in LA, New York, Washington DC and London, it’s one of the big players in Hollywood. A management buyout in 2012 led to the renaming as ICM Partners.

Some of ICM Partners’ more recent signings include:

  • Stewart Harcourt (MAIGRET)
  • Roberto Orci (STAR TREK)
  • David Shore (creator of HOUSE)
  • Shonda Rimes (creator of GREY’S ANATOMY, SCANDAL)

Paradigm (US)

Founded in 1992, talent and literary agents Paradigm has quickly grown through recruiting established and experienced literary agents to its ranks and acquiring smaller agencies. It now has offices across the US, as well as in London and Toronto, and over 300 agents.

Paradigm’s clients include:

  • Gary Scott Thompson (THE FAST AND THE FURIOUS)
  • Paul Guyot (THE BLACK 22S)
  • Rockne O’Bannon (FARSCAPE)
  • Peter Steinfeld (21, CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE)

United Agents (UK) 

Not to be confused with the American UTA (United Talent Agency, below), United Agents was established in 2007. In 2012, AP Watt, the oldest literary agency in the world representing many best-selling and award-winning authors, joined United Agents.

Their clients include:

  • Stephen Merchant (THE OFFICE, EXTRAS)
  • Peter Moffat (DOCTOR WHO)
  • Rachel Tunnard (ADULT LIFE SKILLS)
  • Richard Curtis (LOVE ACTUALLY, ABOUT TIME)
  • Mark Marlow (CLEAN BREAK)
  • Daniel Lawrence Taylor (TIMEWASTERS)
Richard Curtis | BAFTA Screenwriters' Lecture Series


Founded in 1991 by a merger and initially considered an upstart, UTA is now established as one of the largest talent and literary agents in the world. It was one of the first agencies to start an division for online content.

Its thousands of clients include:

  • John August (BIG FISH, ALADDIN)
  • Judd Apatow (GIRLS, LOVE)
  • Dan Futterman (FOXCATCHER, CAPOTE)
  • Kelly Marcel (50 SHADES OF GREY, SAVING MR. BANKS)
  • The Coen brothers (NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN)

William Morris Endeavor (US)

William Morris Endeavor (WME) formed out of the merger of the William Morris Agency and Endeavor in 2009. (William Morris was founded in 1898; Endeavor in 1995).

Along with CAA, it is one of the largest agencies. WME also owns UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championship).

Among WME’s many clients currently are:

  • Allan Loeb (JUST GO WITH IT, 21)
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15 thoughts on “The 10 Best Literary Agents for Writers & Filmmakers”

  1. I’d like to know the right process to get in touch with literary agents. I’m a writer who wishes to get her book made into a film and I just can’t seem to get any leads on how to get in touch with a good literary agent. And it’s very important for me to find one who’s ready to work with me.

  2. Hi

    I am a veteran writer living in London. I have many stories in Farsi, and I have recently translated one of them into English. What can now be presented in English is a play called The Trilogy of Leaders. A collection of three stories related to three periods of ancient Iranian history. I thought it might be interesting for film or television companies. I want to know if you can help me in presenting this story to movie companies?

    With respect

    Ali Gorji ( alireza Gorji Sefat )

  3. Hi there. This makes for interesting discussion

    We have a tv pilot and Bible for a wonderful historical fantasy drama. Outlander but better 😉

    So far we’ve created events, a full length ballet outside Venice Italy and now we’re ready to find THAT manager, THAT agent etc. HELP !!!
    Thanks n courage x

  4. I’ve written a 109 page film script on the history of the three primary Abrahamic religions . It covers a multitude of (mostly famous) episodes throughout the ages, criticising the nonsense of religion. Most are comedic with others serious.

    Having sent it to some agents I have received no replies: do these people have any manners? It seems that unsolicited writers have zero chance. Even Charlie Dickens would have a problem nowadays.

    • You are doing it wrong.

      The agents did not even open that, much less read it.

      Do not send your script to anyone unless they ask for it. If you send it without them asking they are obligated to throw it in the trash unread.

      The right way is to send a query with the logline and politely ask them if they want to read your script.

      Even better, send the query to a manager first – not an agent. An agent comes later. You need a manager first.

      Hollywood has rules and a process. Its not about manners. Its a business about making money.

  5. Why is it so hard to locate an Agent for film scripts? Ya can’t send out the script to the production companies because ya don’t have an agent!! Ya can’t find an Agent, because they want ya to have a manager!! Does any out there have a clue? I have a comedy/animal film script I would love to sent to BRON, or PIXAR or Warner, but they all ask for an agent to send it.. Dead end after Dead end..

  6. Hello again
    More about my script on Super Mario, a minor Producer tried helping me once, he read it and loved it. He was calling me non stop, he thought his famous actor friend would of been great to play Mario he put my script above all the other scripts he had but his agents didn’t want him to read it until we got permission from Nintendo, we couldn’t get it. I was sad so I started all over and entered Super Mario into Capital Fund screenplay contest it is a hot 100 winner #83 of 2019. Well if anyone is interested please contact me

  7. Hi Marc, great work completing your first script. Please check out our script coverage page at the link below for a full breakdown of our 12 script development services. Re: Canadian agents the best bet is to sign up for an IMDbPro subscription, and then create a List in there of Canadian agents (search first for Canadian writers, then look to see who they’re repped by). Truthfully many will likely just have LA reps who handle all their work, in Canada or otherwise.

    Here’s that link >

    We look forward to assessing your script!

  8. I’d like to know if you have any leads on agents in the Canadian market. I just recently completed my very first screenplay, and need some assistance with getting it polished and then help marketing it out. Any assistance you can offer would be greatly appreciated!


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