Advertise to Screenwriters with Industrial Scripts

Industrial Scripts is fortunate to have one of the most engaged audiences in the filmmaking and screenwriting world, and is able to offer relevant partners advertising opportunities of significance.

Advertising to screenwriters and filmmakers is sometimes very complicated on other sites, with a myriad of options.

Advertising Opportunities

A little while ago we decided to streamline our advertising options to one, simple offer, which is:

  • A dedicated solus email blast (or multiple blasts) to our whole database

With almost 70,000 subscribers on our mailing list, a high open rate and significant customer density in our mailing list, we can deliver your message directly to a wide audience, and one that is highly engaged.

One of our newsletter achieved an almost 25% open rate.

Our advertising bookings come with post-campaign analytics and absolute transparency as standard, and our system even allows you to select 5 different subject lines for your email, which massively increases open and engagement rates.

“With over 65,000 screenwriters and filmmakers, and regular open rates above 20%, Industrial Scripts has one of the most engaged followings in the niche…”

Here are some great reasons to advertise to screenwriters and filmmakers with us:

  • Industry-high email open rates
  • Split test your subject lines to achieve maximum exposure
  • Trusted brand with a decade-long industry track record
  • Heavy US, Canadian and UK subscriber base
  • High customer percentage, with payment intent
Industrial Scripts’ audience is genuinely global, with a significant presence in North America and the UK.

To learn more about what we can do for your brand please use the green button below!

Just some of our clients…

Please note advertising opportunities are available to screenwriting and filmmaking contests, labs, courses, events and software but not script coverage, editing or script doctoring products. If the company in question offers those services separately, that’s fine (and not something within our control), but the actual content of the mailblast cannot focus on script coverage services, as stated above.


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