Effective Script Reading Course
Get Lifetime Online Access
Note: Due to the ongoing COVID-19 crisis all live iterations of our script reading course are on hold until further notice.
However our ONLINE version of the course has replaced it! Our online script reading course is deeper, and more demanding than the live version it replaces.
“I’d heard script reading described as “a paid education” before, but coming from an advertising background didn’t have a clue how to get in to it. The course totally set me up. I walked in knowing nothing and walked out really feeling like I could navigate the whole scene. I’m now earning a sideline living as a reader for a big production company. Highly recommended!”
Jay Matthews, Copywriter
Our Script Reading Course Has Now Been Taken by Over 1,000 screenwriters, script readers, sales agents, assistants and filmmakers!
course learners
“This was an amazing, efficient and effective script reading crash course that covered many areas and diverse levels for all areas of filmmaking. The course was also targeted to marketing and the ways script readers can find work according to their own criteria and areas of script reading interest and/or working times. Socialising and exchanging ideas and suggestions was also an effective way to interact and keep in touch with other participants with similar interests. Highly recommended.”

Niki Lambropoulos
Script Reader
3 Reasons Our Script Reading Course Delivers
Designed By A Warner Bros. Reader & The Highest Rated Script Consultant in IS history!
Our script reading course was originally designed by an industry script reader who knew no-one (and nothing) when he first entered the industry. The same reader went on to script read professionally for Warner Bros., Paramount Pictures, Scott Free and Universal, to name but a few. Then, in 2020, we enlarged the course to include unique insights and strategies from the Highest Rated Script Consultant in IS History! Carefully tracking all the things they both did right (and wrong!) the course delivers a phenomenal roadmap on how to follow in their footsteps.
Carefully Honed & Perfected Since 2010…
Effective Script Reading for TV & Film is the world’s first script reading course to place significant emphasis on the skills required to find paid script reading jobs, as well as write quality script analysis. Our script reading course teaches participants how to analyse film & TV scripts effectively and produce quality script coverage, as well as delivering knowledge on how to source regular script reading jobs.
Demystifying Script Development…
Running since 2010, Effective Script Reading has trained hundreds of writers, producers, assistants, distributors, agents and other professionals in the craft and business of professional script reading. The industry is notoriously opaque and our course has proved particularly effective at helping professionals from outside film and TV navigate their way in to it. So if you’re in another industry, and wondering how the world of script development operates, how to get in to it, and crucially how to dodge all those rookie mistakes, our script reading course might be for you…
What You Get…
Skills to Find Elusive Jobs

Ours is the only course to teach participants how to find elusive script reading jobs.
Skills to Write Coverage

Writing great script coverage is a challenging skill to master. Our course up-skills you.
Pre & Post Course Learning

You’ll read scripts before and after the course, write a full script report, and have it marked*.
Our Vast Resources Pack

With over 1,000 scripts, templates, study guides, sample reports, and more – you’ll still be learning long after the course.
A Learned Industry Tutor

Prepare questions for our knowledgeable industry tutor in advance. He’s been there, done it, and got the t-shirt!
A Career Rocket

Screenwriters, script readers, authors, sales agents, producers…the spectrum of people who’ve taken the course is broad.
“As a screenwriter, I know that when push comes to shove my scripts are going to be farmed out to industry readers. So thinking like a gatekeeper, nay – writing a script report like a gatekeeper – was just incredibly valuable to me and totally changed how I think, tactically and strategically, about my writing.”
Mark Thomas

Just some of the companies our students have gone on to work for…
Who is our Script Reading Course Best Suited To?
Our script reading course is firstly ideal for those new to the industry looking to build a career in script development, sales or distribution.
However it has also proved highly valuable for writers, producers and directors looking to develop their script coverage skills, build contacts in development and earn an extra revenue stream from being a script reader.
The course focuses on how to deliver constructive script feedback to writers both in person and on the page, and participants also deliver a script report which will be marked by the course tutor.
Our script reading course has been running regularly since January 2010, and in that time a broad range of people have taken it, including:
- Distributors, sales agents and producers looking to upgrade their creative analysis skills.
- Writers aiming to better understand the mindset of readers and development people.
- Out-and-out developers looking to forge a long-term career in script development.
- Freelancers with analytical skills seeking to earn a sideline from script reading jobs.
After the script reading course, participants are invited to take 2 tests to gauge their learning. The 1st is a simple “Efficiency Test” (which a surprising number of participants fail, so watch out!)
The 2nd involves participants emailing a script report which will be marked by a member of Industrial Scripts’ staff. In order to receive their marked report, participants must pass the Efficiency Test in full.
***IMPORTANT NOTE: our Effective Script Reading course contains some hard truths about script reading, and the film and television industries in general. Script reading – or indeed script development in general – is not a career one can simply “walk into”. It is competitive and with this course we aim to provide attendees with a professional advantage***.

Network and make vital industry connections on our course
Pro Script Reading Is Undeniably TOUGH:
Our Script Reading Courses
Skyrocket Your Odds of Success
An intense but satisfying day that really does teach you the basics and more. I spent a lot of time doing the post course assignment and feel a lot more confident now with writing script reports. It’s honestly a great course that also improved my writing. One final note, you get out what you put in so if you’re going to do it really go for it!

Rhys Jones
This course was even more helpful than I thought – and my expectations were already high. It covered both the screenwriting and script reading theory, and practical information about getting a script reading job. The teacher explained clearly and was always ready to answer our questions. Good value for money and 5 out of 5 definitely – I got back home happily satisfied and feeling encouraged, which is nice since this is such a hard and competitive industry!

Anna Lane
An absolutely brilliant, information packed day. The tutor was concise and easily equipped to answer any of the questions thrown at him. I finished the day confident in my ability to write a script report. Highly recommend!

Joe Ford

Our Courses Are a Mixture of Video, Text, Quizzes and Writing Exercises
Our courses have been deliberately designed to include tons of practical exercises which enable you to accelerate. Ultra-specific exercises that you can do even when you’re not online are peppered throughout the course, so you’re working even on your daily commute!
“A very well planned course that packed a huge amount in. As a writer rather than aspiring reader, it’s really helpful to have the tools to view your work through a reader’s lens. The tutor was knowledgeable and friendly, and there was a good mix of information and discussion. The post-course assignment is a really good choice in terms of applying the learning. I would definitely tell writer friends about this course and would certainly use Industrial Scripts’ script analysis services for my own work. Recommend!”

Carys Watkins
Give Your Script Development Career The Best Start.
Script reading as a career is tough and rewarding in vaguely equal measure.
But there are so many pitfalls, both in terms of the artistic process, and The Industry.
Skyrocket your odds of success with our script reading courses – you won’t regret it!

Our Unique Quiz System Pushes You to Absorb The Information
You probably think the quizzes in our courses are easy, right? Think again: we’ve made them deliberately tricky to keep you on your toes while you’re learning. Our system won’t let you move forward to the next lesson until you’ve nailed the quiz. True character is only revealed under pressure…
A very insightful and information packed day. The amount that was thrown at us was incredibly helpful and our teacher was very apt at making us understand how hard this part of the industry was to get in to. This was very refreshing. The course was broken down well and there was just about time to get in a few questions. I believe a two day course would be interesting as it would give the teacher and students more time to converse and allow the course to be more practical during the teaching time. I would definitely recommend this course to others hoping to garner further information about the script reading process. Thank you!

Jeremy Goldthorp
Script Reading Course Structure
Modules > Lessons > Quizzes
Our Online Script Reading Course is divided into 10 core modules, which together consist of 50 lessons.
The course puts an early emphasis on working as an industry script reader, and the skills involved in “divorcing” from your own taste in order to objectively assess material.

What You Get:
> Intensive 1-day Masterclass OR Lifetime Access to the Online Course
> 17/50 Specific Lesson Sections
> Pre & Post Course Assignments*
> “Anatomy of a Script Report” Study
> Script Report Templates & Samples
> 1,000+ Produced Scripts Pack (RRP $35)
> Post-Course Networking Drinks
> Peer Networking & more!
Fantastic! Really, really great experience, the tutor knew what he was talking about and conducted the class debate about the script well and fairly. The day was well planned out, very thorough but also maintained a good pace for taking in all the information. A really good experience for people who work in the media or those who have an interest in film. Strongly recommend!

Hollie Moss
What Are The Script Reading Course Modules?

How to Write Coverage Executives Will Love
Even if you have a great analytical brain, your coverage must impress in other ways.

The Painful Bit: Writing Great Synopses
Writing smooth, succinct plot synopses is an integral part of being a script reader

The Different Types of Script Report
TV coverage, writer’s notes, coverage for distributors – we analyse all report types.

How to Track and Hunt for Un-Advertised Jobs
Script reading jobs are rarely advertised, which means finding them becomes vital…

How to Market Yourself As A Script Reader
With script reading jobs advertised so rarely, marketing becomes all important.

The Value of “Branding” as a Script Reader
We explore the importance of how you present yourself as a reader for hire
Online Script Reading Course – Full Course Structure
Our online script reader course is broken down in to 10 Core Modules, consisting of 50 individual Lessons.
At the end of each Lesson there’s a tough Quiz element, and users need to pass the Quiz in order to advance to the next Lesson.
Just click the + symbol below to view the full course breakdown.
Online Course Modules and Structure
Module A) An introduction to Script Reading
Lesson 1) What is a script reader?
Lesson 2) What skills do script readers need?
Lesson 3) The benefits of being a script reader
Module B) What makes a ‘good’ script?
Lesson 4) Commercial Potential and Market
Lesson 5) Genre & Expectation
Lesson 6) Casting Potential
Lesson 7) Promise of the Premise
Lesson 8) Quality of the Writing
Lesson 9) Writer Potential
Module C) The Elements of Script Coverage
Lesson 10) Types of Script Coverage
Lesson 11) Script Coverage vs Writer Feedback
Lesson 12) Structure of a Coverage Report
Module D) Writing Script Coverage
Lesson 13) Writing Loglines
Lesson 14) Writing Evaluations
Lesson 15) Grid Scoring
Lesson 16) Writing Synopses
Lesson 17) Writing Comments
Module E) Assessing Screenwriting Ability
Lesson 18) Premise
Lesson 19) Story & Structure
Lesson 20) Conflict & Tension
Lesson 21) Character
Lesson 22) Dialogue
Lesson 23) Pace
Lesson 24) Visual Flair
Lesson 25) Scene Analysis
Lesson 26) Approach to Theme
Lesson 27) Originality
Module F) Writer’s Reports
Lesson 28) Framing the Feedback
Lesson 29) Structuring the report
Lesson 30) Writing Style
Lesson 31) Working with Writers
Module H) Avoiding Common Pitfalls
Lesson 32) Managing Tone
Lesson 33) Supporting Criticism
Lesson 34) Dealing with Subjectivity
Lesson 35) Guiding the Writer
Lesson 36) Writer’s Report Case Studies
Module I) Future King Script Analysis
Lesson 37) Your Analysis
Lesson 38) Script Discussion
Lesson 39) Future King Conclusions
Module J) Finding Reading Work
Lesson 40) Climbing the Ladder
Lesson 41) Finding and Researching Clients
Lesson 42) Approaching Potential Clients
Lesson 43) Handling Client Expectation
Lesson 44) When you have work
Lesson 45) Industry Etiquette
Module K) Understanding the Industry
Lesson 46) Career Development
Lesson 47) Development & Editing
Lesson 48) The Importance of Genre
Lesson 49) Recommended Reading
Lesson 50) Final Assignment
Bonus Study Materials + Guides
Get full access to our suite of unique study guides when you purchase any course. The pack includes…
6 x eBooks on challenging areas of screenwriting
3 x study guides on the industry and navigating it
Template agent & manager query letter
Detailed script coverage sample
40+ PDF Screenplays of Successful Movies
“The 20 Screenplays You Can Learn The Most From”
Script coverage templates
And more!

Effective Script Reading..From The Industry Trusted Script Development Company…
In business since 2010, Industrial Scripts has hosted masterclasses with everyone from actor Tom Hiddleston to uber-producer Tim Bevan (pictured), through talent agency giant Duncan Heath and beyond.
We’re the film and TV industry’s trusted source for all things script development.

Recoup The Script Reading Course Fees In Just 3 Paid Script Reads…
If the course leads in any small way to you securing work either directly or indirectly, you’ll recoup the course fees within just 3 paid scripts (3 x £50.00). Which is pretty solid economics in anyone’s book.
A Lifetime Of Learning Included…
Want to be a great script reader? There’s no substitute for reading screenplays. LOTS of them. And with our course you’ll receive more produced screenplays for both movies and TV than you can read in a lifetime. All sorted and carefully arranged into folders, and searchable. A priceless resource.

“Detailed without being over complicated, easily understood without being dumbed down this is THE ideal course for any student of screenwriting. It contains a wealth of information that is set out in a structured and entertaining way, with a huge amount of information conveyed in the lessons. Highly recommended.”

George Katz
Start Living Your BEST
Reading Life Today
Life’s short: you’re not here to get rich, you just want to work with writers, find and develop great screenplays, and move on up in the world of script development.
You’re a Script Reader. And our script reading courses are for you.

Don’t Worry, We’ve Got You Covered
If the information on this page turns out to be inaccurate or we don’t deliver what is promised then you can get a full refund at any time within 30 days of purchase, no questions asked. Simply raise a support ticket here detailing how the information is inaccurate and we’ll refund you within 7 days.

Industrial Scripts
Specialist Script Developers Since 2010
ABOUT Industrial Scripts®
Founded in 2010, Industrial Scripts is today one of the world’s leading screenwriting companies, backed by major companies and with over 1,000 verified testimonials.
Our script consultants have significant industry credentials, writing coverage for companies and studios including Paramount Pictures, Warner Bros., Universal and many more. Working with screenwriters and filmmakers of all levels and from myriad locations, we also deliver intensive training both online and offline.
While our free Talent Connector promotes talent to the industry, our popular blog – Character-Driven – educates and entertains. We believe that rigorous script development is the foundation of great film and TV and is, indeed, essential.
Without it, the end product will fail.
Frequently Asked Questions
Got questions? Here are the most common queries we’re sent about the online version of the course…
How long do I get access to the online course for?
Through purchasing the course you’re guaranteed lifetime (or as long as the course exists/is on sale, and we have zero intention of folding it!) access. You can take it once, twice, three times…or as many times as you want.
Is the course mobile-friendly?
Whilst it’s possible to take the course on tablets and mobile devices, you’re going to get the best experience taking it on Google Chrome, on a stable broadband connection.
Will I write script reports as part of the online course? Does it include a marked report like the live course? Is there “live” feedback, or a human teacher involved at all?
You will indeed! The course involves you reading scripts and writing test coverage on them. Unlike the live course, your final report is not individually marked but rather self-marked up against an industry-standard version report on the same script. The course is a self-learning one, exclusively. No live teaching is included. Our innovative quiz system keeps you on your toes, self-marks you, and checks you’re absorbing the information correctly.
How many hours does it take to complete the course?
In order to pass the quizzes, you’ll need to complete the course exercises. And this involves reading screenplays and writing reports on them. And that’s before you get to the Bonus Materials. So whilst it’s very difficult to estimate as all readers work at different speeds, we’d imagine you could complete it within 100 hours.
Script Reading Course Reviews

I thought this was an outstanding course. Sure, it’s only one day and is intense accordingly, but I felt that the value packed in to such a compressed timeframe was incredible (and I guess if it was 2 days it would be double the price 😉 ). The section on how to find work was particularly invaluable, as were the pre and post course assignments – particularly the post-course one. I would highly recommend this course to screenwriters, script developers and indeed anyone looking to hone their skills in this area and move on up in the industry.
Please I need help in writing my script
Thanks for the recap. Good to hear that finding work is part of it. After all, we live in the money grid and deserve to be earning for our creative efforts. Lots of courses fail on this point. Good luck! 🍀👍
A thoroughly enjoyable day packed with useful information. We did seem to fly through a lot of slides very quickly but the course tutor was always happy to pause whenever anyone requested it. The post-course pack is fantastic – plenty of scripts to read and practice reporting on. I particularly enjoyed the discussion about the script we read in advance of the class – it was really interesting to hear the different perspectives of what makes a good and bad script from the course attendees. Overall it was definitely worth it, and I feel much more confident and well-equipped to navigate the script reading business.
A fantastic insight into what is required from a Script Reader. I would definitely recommend this course to anybody interested in breaking into the Film and TV industry or anybody interested in writing or editing. It provides a good grounding in how to analyse and evaluate scripts.
This was an amazing, efficient and effective script reading crash course that covered many areas and diverse levels for all areas of filmaking. The course was also targeted to marketing and the ways script readers can find work according to their own criteria and areas of script reading interest and/or working times. Socialising and exchanging ideas and suggestions was also an effective way to interact and keep in touch with other participants with similar interests. The post-course assessment was also a great opportunity to review and apply the knowledge and skills into practice, and thus, be confident about our abilities and competences. Highly recommended.
A great course that gives a thorough overview of what makes both a great script and a great script report. An interesting day with a fantastic tutor, who was able to offer useful insight into the industry itself.
An intense (as promised!) day, whether you want to go into script-reading or simply get an idea of what a script reader wants to see when your screenplay crosses their desk. My interest is the latter, and I wasn’t disappointed.
A good introduction to script reading. Ideal to be able to take away the powerpoint presentation (or a reduced version) as then you can listen to all of the content rather than continuously make notes.
An incredibly informative and useful day. There’s a real focus on form; on how to write a report. It skips over story theory so if you’re looking for a crash course on act structure, this is not the one for you. There is also great focus on how to look for this work and how to build your career. Additionally the material handed out just before the course is incredible; example reports, lists of companies, (so many) scripts etc. I would highly recommend this course and I hope you get as much out of it as I did.
A good course, especially for people who are not familiar with screenplay structure.
A great introduction to script reading, with lots of info on structure, style, industry advice.
As a newcomer to the industry, I found this course to be enlightening and informative. The tutor took us through not only how to approach and write script reading reports, but also tips on how to enter the industry, contacts to make etc. While it was a little too heavily skewed towards Powerpoint presentation, and could have been improved further with more interactive discussion and further examples of the tutor’s route into script reading, the post-course documents in particular are fantastically useful and running through the anatomy of a script was enjoyable. It was value for money too and works well as a one-day course.
This course was exceedingly useful in terms of learning how to refine my script-reading skills and about the dos and don’ts of writing script reports. The discussion portion was particularly interesting, and finding out about ways to potentially find work in this area was also very useful. The day was very engaging, but I did feel it could be more interactive at times and less PowerPoint-based. I certainly got what I wanted out of the course, but I find trying to contact Industrial Scripts and get a response a frustrating experience.
The course itself was an intensive day as we had to go through a mountain of work. This meant that there was no time to process and practice this new information. The course is pact full of useful gems and templates to work off, but I think the course would benefit from asking the students to read more material prior to the course (instead of just a screenplay) which would then allow the course tutor to highlight on the key aspects of script reading and reporting writing. Through making the course more engaging, instead of simply note taking, I think the students would get more out of it.
The day itself was fairly engaging but perhaps was a little too akin to a lecture and involved a lot of slides being shown at great speed. However, some very useful resources,- example scripts/script reports- were given out as part of this seminar and I have gained a lot from writing an example script report in the subsequent week.
Industrial Scripts -Effective Script Reading Course was a great way to understand what the studio readers are looking for to pass that script on for development. An insight to the gate keepers which will help you gain a better understanding of the commercial viability of yours and others scripts, popular genres as well as equipping you with the tools to write a professional report. Not to mention it will help you gain a better understanding of your own script in development. A friendly course, with lots of information.
A very informative day where the class was encouraged to participate and did so – a wealth of info was shared. The notes and class outline were very thorough. I especially like the fact that we are marked on a test script report.
An intensive day with plenty of information. I thought slightly too much time was spent discussing screenplay structure rather than talking about the industry itself. The step-by-step guide to writing a coverage report was helpful though, as was the treasure trove of example script reports and industry contacts given out on the day. Would recommend.
The course materials are brilliant, giving you access to a wide variety of scripts and other helpful documents. The background regarding industry standards and expectations was also good. However, the day itself did feel a little rushed with not enough personal insight from the tutor and a feeling that they were simply reading out notes for the slides.
All-in a very worthwhile course, giving a good insight into not only the opportunities for script reading but also into the wider development world. The day course itself got off to a bit of a slow start as we seemed to fall behind in the (admittedly very packed) schedule – a little too much time spent on attendees introducing themselves and what they do/like, perhaps? But the pace seemed to pick up as the day went along. For my personal interest, most of the new learning came in the afternoon. The feedback session on the (anonymous) sample script was illuminating – albeit some delegates’ criticisms verged on the hysterical and lacked perspective. But perhaps the most valuable thing of all was an absolute goldmine of takeaway content and exclusive files we were given for our onward learning. Hundreds of quality screenplays and other production documents, plus a fantastic contacts database among other goodies… this was arguably worth the registration fee alone.
The script reading course was enjoyable, well constructed and stimulating. The course leader seemed knowledgeable. However, I was a little disappointed by his lack of engagement or confidence as he read much of the powerpoint off his phone. I also felt it was silly not to provide the powerpoint with the other course materials, as many people were so focused on copying down the slides it kept them from really engaging. My greatest disappointment was that the discussions in class were primarily lead and motivated by the course attendees rather than the tutor. As someone who was there to expand on existing experience, I had hoped for a more lively tutor and discussions. The generous amount of course materials are probably the best aspect of the course. I am also against having to submit a (non anonymous) review as a pre-requisite for getting a post-course assignment marked.
Great content – the tutor clearly knows their stuff and the examples were very clear, but the format could be more interactive and workshop based rather than a mainly PowerPoint delivery.
Lots of quality information about how to script read effectively and how to get work both in the presentation and the excellent pack. The tutor addressing the whole group for ideas could get tedious as there were around 30 attendees. Timed small group discussions followed by brief feedback to the whole group might be something to consider. Looking forward to receiving the feedback on my report.
The ‘Effective Script Reading Course for Film and TV’ from Industrial Scripts has given me a great insight to how screenplays are structured artistically and how they can be placed in the film and TV market. The course also helps students pinpoint the core factors in script analysis, all delivered in a fun and informative way. I would highly recommend this course to anyone who is looking to do this kind of work, or for anyone who is just curious.
An intensive day, packed with lots of information. If you’re a screenwriter, a lot of it will be common sense or things you should already know. However, it will help to put things in the perspective from the point of view of readers and productions companies (as well as how a reader’s report will differ if reading for the benefit of the writer rather than a production company, producer, or development exec).
There’s an information pack on how to proceed with getting work as a reader, as well as a post course report for you to put your newly learned skills to the test (with marked feedback). Would highly recommend to anyone wanting to be a reader in the UK film and TV industry as a first step on the development ladder, or to screenwriters wanting to identify possible flaws in their own writing that might not get them pass the first gatekeeper (i.e. the reader).
A very enjoyable, well constructed and interesting day. The course leader clearly knew his stuff, although he might have been more confident in his delivery rather than reading material from his phone. As much an introduction to the mechanics and discipline of screenplays as anything else, the generous course materials were most welcome. As an Overdrive member, I couldn’t ask for better value. My only criticism? The insistence on bringing a laptop on the day was a lot of faff for someone who doesn’t normally use one, especially when I closed it unused after half an hour, never to be opened again.
A packed and intense course, this was an interesting insight into the minds of not just script reader but also my own mind and the minds who dictate an increasingly difficult industry to break into. Sometimes we found ourselves struggling to note down all the information before we moved onto another slide, but overall it was a tsunami of information which was very grtefully recieved.
It was an intense day and although I don’t feel I learnt a lot of new information, it was good to have a review of knowledge and to have it all brought together in a condensed day. I look forward to starting my script reading career.
We covered a lot of ground in a short space of time and the script pack and other handouts (digital) provide an invaluable learning resource to carry into work.
The course was interesting and set out in a way that would help you understand it completely. All the instructions were easy to understand and the lecture that took place was insightful, not only for people who were interested in the process of script reading but also people who were screenwriters who wanted to understand more of the process that would help with their scripts. We had access to scripts and from there we were able to see what aspects were focused on when evaluating the script as a whole and to whom the script would go to from there.
Packed with valuable information, particularly the materials provided with the course. A friendly group atmosphere and good opportunities for discussion. As others have noted there is a lot to get through in one day, and at times it felt like I was giving more attention to taking notes from the slides than thinking about the content, but overall, a very useful course.
Very useful
Good course and the option to get feedback on your work is great. Taught me alot!
A great course, with lots of insightful information about what it takes to be a professional script reader. Thoroughly recommended!
Overall a very informative and enjoyable course. Our tutor was very knowledgeable and provided a great deal of good industry insights. My only reservations with the course were that: (1) a copy of the powerpoint slides was not provided and not enough time was given to take proper notes; (2) submitting a (non anonymous) review is a pre-requisite for getting the post-course assignment marked. Overall a very good course though.
This was a very interesting and informative course as well as being well-presented, although as others have said, it would work better over 2 days rather than 1, given how much material there is to cover. The tutor was extremely knowledgeable, happy to take questions, and to repeat things but there wouldn’t have been a need for the latter if we had had more time. Bearing this in mind it’s also a shame that most of the Powerpoint slides used during the course aren’t available as part of the course pack. Overall: highly recommended for both writers and aspiring script readers/editors.
Really useful course. We covered a lot and having homework afterwards has helped me put the theory into practice. There was time to discuss ideas and I liked the efficiency of having it confined to one day.
Overall, a good course. The tutor is knowledgeable and the materials provided are well worth enrolling for: they are interesting, insightful and provide information which can be hard to come by. On the downside, at times during the course it felt like we didn’t go into as much detail as the index suggested, focusing more on scriptwriting basics rather than scriptreading itself – however I understand these are both inevitably linked together. Also, we have a great opportunity to practise what we’ve learnt with the post-course assignment. On-the-whole, a good overview I’d definitely recommend.
A well detailed one day masterclass full of useful information. A good, thorough breakdown of all the qualities needed to be a script reader, and the provided course materials were very useful. For a complete novice, it’s good. However, do question if this would not be better off as a two-day mini-course rather than a one day class, as it feels like some practical exercises on both reports as well as writing cover letters and contacting companies would be beneficial.
The course covers a lot of information in a very quick and efficient presentation. I was able to understand all of the information given to me and the group was given ample opportunities to ask questions. In general the course covered a lot of information that I had learnt elsewhere but I appreciated having these ideas reinforced. The course covered the two areas: how scripts should work and the common mistakes made (the structure, dialogue, characters etc.) and how to cover them in a report. Overall, I am glad that I attended and I do feel the day was worth it, even if it was just reinforcing concepts that I already knew.
This was a fully packed day of insightful information. There was also copious notes and valuable research available to take home. There was a lot to take in so the course requires you to be alert and a speedy note taker, luckily a lot of what’s covered is included in the course packs provided.
A thorough course with a friendly, knowledgeable tutor. We were encouraged to bring laptops, but didn’t actually need them to participate and it was fine to take written notes if you preferred. The extra material sent by email was very useful.
An excellent introduction the job of the script reader, and the industry at large. The course leader capably imparted the knowledge and skills essential to script reading, as well as delineating ways in which one can gain employment in the field. Highly recommended.
The course was very thorough and the instructor was excellent. It covered numerous areas for people looking to work in a variety of film-related roles and the supplementary materials (Coverage, scripts) are really useful for post-course study. I would recommend it to anyone looking to take their first steps into the world of film, or refresh what they already know
I’ve been waiting a while to go on this course and wasn’t disappointed. We covered a huge amount of ground in the day, which I loved but I suspect may have been a bit much for some to take in, especially anyone without an already clear understanding of structure. That said, it was great to be held to professional standards, and I particularly appreciated the assignment as a way to test our learning as well as get us one step closer to employment.. Our tutor was friendly and informative, too.
A great course. High levels of information which perhaps could have been a little more structured.
Learnt a huge amount simply from the assignments. There is an incredibly comprehensive amount of additional material given to you which is extremely valuable. Personally I wouldn’t bother with business cards because everyone friended each other on Facebook.
An intense and insightful course with a huge participant package to help you become a competent script reader.
Good course!
A great initiative and very useful course. A wealth of material provided (though it was slightly confusing being multi-sent links to download materials, some of which differed slightly) and great to have so many scripts to read. The course leader was great, but perhaps we could have worked through more examples together (more learning by doing). The assignment was useful practice.
It was the first ever script-orientated course I’ve attended…and I loved every second! I wanted to learn how to write an “effective” coverage report for development teams, not only writers! I now feel I have the confidence and conviction to sit down, read a script, and communicate critical feedback. I want to personally thank the tutor who was particularly supportive, but also friendly and knowledgeable. She was a real character and encouraged us all to tell stories of our own too – we are all storytellers at heart. Therefore, it was a fantastic opportunity to gaze through the porthole onto an area of the industry that I am continuously learning about. The post-course assignment was great fun and I look forward to reading the feedback. The only “criticism” (which isn’t even a criticism), is that it would have been even more beneficial to analyse well written and poorly written reports, and perhaps, have a go at writing an evaluation as a class, on the pre-course script read. Thank you.
A wonderful insight into the industry! The course teaches essential script reading skills, and offers advice on how to turn those skills into paid jobs. There is a great deal of information to take in, and the pace moves quick, so reading up beforehand is strongly advisable to avoid getting lost.
I wanted to learn how to write an effective script report and I feel confident I have the knowledge of how to do this now. I found the course interesting and very informative. The tutor was great! They are active in the industry so provide a great insider’s view and give great advice. The post-course assignment is good as you receive feedback on your report – I look forward to receiving this feedback to keep learning and growing skills. The only thing I would have found more useful is more examples of well written script reports and to have the course information sent our earlier. I would recommend this course. This is definitely a course I’d recommend.
This course was informative and relevant to the subject while the course leader was friendly and approachable, which made asking questions easier. The knowledge she passed onto us was very useful and insightful while the course materials were far beyond what I expected – there are 100s of scripts to read, which will strengthen your skills as a script reader. The post-course task is a great way to test your understanding and to learn from.
A good course that covers the basics with a good instructor who really knew her stuff. Plus it forces you to do a practice script report which is handy.
I hugely enjoyed my day – hugely informative and hopefully I have acquired the necessary skills to pursue a role as a script writer. A Great group too with good discussions. I am yet to receive my feedback though on report, so we’ll see if I managed to take enough in! 🙂
First script reading course I’ve undertaken. Rob was an excellent tutor, he explained everything clearly and used visual examples which were super useful! Since doing this course, I am now reading for production companies and have developed my writing skills. Highly recommended.
A good course especially if you haven’t done any script reading before, also useful for screen writers. Worth going just for the course materials!
I found this course very interesting and insightful. It packs in a lot of information and I came away not just enthused but feeling more prepared to actually take on the information and use it in the future. Would recommend this to anyone considering the role or wanting to learn more about both what makes a good script and more on how the industry works. The homework beforehand was great too. This could even be a two day course there is so much to learn that is of interest.
This was a brilliant day of intense work and Rob our tutor did an excellent job in getting a lot of information across. (26th June 2017).
I’ve knocked off two stars for these reasons:
1. the powerpoint projection wasn’t provided so a lot of time was spent trying to copy stuff down – which was not necessary.
2. You are obliged as part of an efficiency test to give this review before your own test report will be returned to you. It would be better to let the students have their work back as part of the course before they have to write reviews.
A really good course worth doing.
Effective Script Reading is an excellent course. I have been reading scripts for a while and I was looking for something that will help me improve my feedback format. Sure there are books out there that guide you but to have the chance to interact with someone who has done it for years really helped me.
The course is also good value for your time. A lot is crammed in those hours but there was always time for a Q&A after each section. All the files that where given to us during the course are excellent material to keep improving myself even though the course is over.
I will definitely recommend it to other script readers.
The course covered a lot of ground in a short space of time and provided insightful detail into script reading and starting a career in the film business. While I enjoyed it immensely, I felt that the competitiveness of the industry did not need to be emphasised quite so much as this reminder slightly detracted from the positive information given otherwise.
This course was packed with information and suitable for both beginners and those with prior reading experience. I took it as continuing education and it has definitely improved the quality of my script feedback.
There were lots of positives about the course, such as an in-depth outline of the structure of a good script report and a treasure trove of unproduced screenplays and industry contacts provided on a memory stick. I would, however, say that far too much time was spent on film genres and the ‘three-act structure’ (at least 20 min on one slide) and it would have been much more helpful to have recentred that focus on looking at some good/bad example reports, some screenplays, more industry information, even example cover letters/script reader CVs etc – we don’t really need a section on horror films telling us that part of the requirement is that they’re scary. When we did get down to the specific script reading elements though it was really interesting – it just took too long to get there and we therefore didn’t have as much time on it as I would have liked.
The course was really informative and insightful with loads of information on what makes a good reader, report and how to get into the script reading. The course files given to you when you’re there also contain a lot of useful documents, such as example reports, companies to reach out to and recommended reading lists. The course leader was friendly and encouraged the class to debate and get stuck in. The day was intense, with lots to absorb, and as a result the last section felt a little rushed, which was a shame. However, I would not let this put you off as I still came away feeling I had learnt a lot. Highly recommend!
A lot of great information to take in, very useful! Only complaint is not having the slideshow that we see on-screen being included in the materials we receive, and as it was quite rushed I spent a lot of time quickly copying what I could see on screen and therefore not being able to completely take in everything the tutor was saying, which was frustrating because he was clearly very knowledgeable and I wanted to know everything 🙂
Comprehensive, intense, engaging. Excellent instructor and course materials. I’d highly recommend this course.
A very insightful and informative course. The tutor was engaging and covered a wide range of material in a quick and efficient manner. The course material provided is also extremely useful. Despite the website being tricky to navigate and the staff difficult to reach in the case of a query – I would recommend the course.
An excellent little course. It’s definitely worth doing if you’re planning to break into Script Reading.
Very thorough overview of the industry, narrative theory, and script coverage format. The instructor is highly knowledgeable, experienced, and provides helpful insights. The slides could be condensed and trimmed down but overall a great resource for anyone interested in getting into script development as a script reader.
Extremely informative and enjoyable course. Packed full of useful Industry know-how. Very thorough coverage of a wide range of topics.
This course was very informative and interesting. It provided both script analysis and a business perspective. I recommend this course if you want to get your foot in the door !
An informative day with good insights into the work of a script reader and the industry itself. Found it useful for both script readers and producers.
I chose this course as I want to pursue a career in development and found it very helpful. The course was engaging and hugely informative.
A good, detailed course getting down to the nuts and bolts of reviewing as work.
Day was very informative and the course leader was very helpful, providing lots of personal insight into becoming a script reader and the industry in general.
An enjoyable and informative day. The resources we were given have proven invaluable. The tutor was excellent and gave us a real insight into the industry and current trends. Be prepared to take lots of notes!
Just the course I was hoping for, and thoroughly recommended. A highly informative day that packed in lots of facts and advice – be prepared to take copious notes. It included such topics as what script readers are expected to do, how to write coverage, and how to find (and keep!) jobs, and the instructor was very helpful and open to questions. The venue was convenient, although advice about good places for lunch would have saved some needless walking. A great day that left me full of inspiration.
The course was laid back, informative and a joy to be a part of. Industrial Scripts gave an excellent information pack, and I will definitely be telling my friends about this course.
Really good course, it was very helpful and as an aspiring Script Writer it provided lots of helpful information. Definitely recommended for script writers, readers and editors.
The Script Reading Course was packed with practical information, from how to write a report – including the tricky budget/marketability/audience bit – to how to get a job as a reader. The course materials are worth it alone – with lots of sample script reports, and four pages stuffed with the contact details of relevant production companies. The course tutor was a very knowledgeable producer with years of experience reading scripts. I’d recommend the course to writers, readers, and anyone else looking to hone their ability to analyse a script.
I wasn’t expecting such a high level of interaction and information within 1 day but this script reading course has given me everything I needed to begin finding freelance opportunities. I’d recommend it to anyone with scriptwriting and/or pre-production aspirations.
This was a great intro into the world of scriptreading. I particularly liked the documents we were given with examples of script reading plus the list of companies that will hire script readers. I now feel fully ready to enter the world of script reading and have an understanding of the job and its requirements.
Very informative and to the point, the one day course takes you through the ins and outs of the script report and provides you with the general understanding of the film and TV industry in Britain. It also gives you a handy overview of the routes to the industry by breaking down the jobs within script development. It contains valuable information for people at any stage in their careers, from those who are just starting out, to directors and producers wanting more understanding about what script reading entails.
An impressive day full of vital information regarding how to enter this competitive industry. I found myself surrounded by intelligent people and a more intelligent teacher. Very interesting and I will recommend to anyone interested in screenwriting as a profession. Delivers everything I expected as well as being an informal and welcoming environment to participate in learning.
The course was both interesting and informative, and delivered everything that was promised. There was a lot of helpful information about the industry as well as a detailed breakdown of the coverage report. The structure of the course worked very well and the interactive element allowed for great discussions and anecdotes. All in all, a very useful course for anyone wanting to learn about script reading and report writing.
The day ran as outlined in the course description and I felt as though it gave a thorough insight into how to give effective coverage reports, as well as how to get and keep script reading jobs and further information into development based career paths. I was happy with the balance of the day between how to write the actual report itself and the practical how to get script reader jobs etc., but felt as though perhaps a little too much time was spent on the explanation of what makes a good screenplay, as most if not all attending the course were already well versed in that. Otherwise an informative, helpful and enjoyable session.
The course does what it is billed to do, give a introduction to what the job of a script reader is, how to deliver your work in an industry recognised format, which let’s face it is what the busy production executives who will ultimately be your customers want. It is a very intense day with a huge amount of info imparted, maybe could have done with more time, which would mean adding a day. But that would push up the costs and nobody wants that to happen.
An intense course delivered in a relaxing, informal atmosphere. The tutor showed a great deal of knowledge concerning the subject area. I found the breakdown of Script Coverage vs Script Feedback to be really useful. I really liked the focus on identifying where a script fits into the market. I also liked the breakdown of TV and Film Genres/Sub-Genres, and what works well in the UK for both audiences and production companies. I’d highly recommend the course to anyone interested in becoming a professional Script Reader or to anyone interested in learning what Script Readers are looking for.
Given the breadth of backgrounds / ambitions of the attendees, there is a veritable mountain of material to cover with the one-day session. The tutor did an admirable job to get through everything and leave time for subsequent questions; the fear is that some of the key detail may pass you by, as the session is (understandably for the sake of time) not structured to be overtly interactive or task-based. Would definitely recommend this course to others, and consider other Industrial Scripts courses in future.
A really enjoyable course, with an experienced and knowledgeable tutor. There is a lot of information covered for one day and it is loads take in. If you are a writer, you will have a better understanding of the morning material. i.e. genre, strict structure. The afternoon material is more practical. Script reading is really something that you learn and improve at through doing it, so the post-course assignment is a great idea and the deadline forces you to be pro-active rather than sitting on your bum for another few weeks before doing any further reading and analysis!
Useful materials/PDFs come with the course. The ‘industry contacts’ sheet is now a little outdated and could use some revision. And we shouldn’t all be asked to bring a laptop- just a memory stick to which the PDFs can be transferred. But that’s my only criticism!
An intense but satisfying day that really does teach you the basics and more. I spent a lot of time doing the post course assignment and feel a lot more confident now with writing script reports. It’s honestly a great course that also improved my writing. One final note, you get out what you put in so if you’re going to do it really go for it!
Very happy to have taken the 1-day Effective Script Reading course. The instructor has many years of experience in the industry and can tell you anything you’d like to know of how the sector works. The course particularly helped me grasp what it is that companies – in the broadest sense – are looking for in a coverage report. I’d recommend this course to anyone looking to properly understand the script reading trade as well as its long term career prospects.
Script Reading Course
The course was extremely informative and the tutor was engaging and encouraged questions and discussion. I felt fully immersed, though only a one-day course, due to the reading assignment beforehand and the report assignment set after. Lots of information and files were provided to take home, though thankfully in paperless form. Felt a bit rushed at times with lots of information to get through and so we only glossed over the report relating to the pre course reading assignment – it would have been helpful to be talked through the elements of a report based on a script that everyone in the class had read.
An intense, information packed course delivered by a professional course leader. A lot of material and leads to study and follow up, and well structured homework. I found it a bit too packed in to be able to absorb in one go; a file matching that of the day’s work would have been very helpful.
This course was even more helpful than I thought – and my expectations were already high. It covered both the screenwriting and script reading theory, and practical information about getting a script reading job. The teacher explained clearly and was always ready to answer our questions. Good value for money and 5 out of 5 definitely – I got back home happily satisfied and feeling encouraged, which is nice since this is such a hard and competitive industry!
An informative course which packs a lot of essential information into one day (with plenty of material to look at later). I loved that there was an opportunity to conduct a script report and have it marked afterwards – a rarity with these courses and therefore well worth the money.
Great teaching, engaging content, a good overall course!
An impressive course delivered by a working reader who knew her stuff. A little more analysis on the pre-course reading would have been helpful but other than this, IS nailed it again. Recommend.
This was an intense and highly informative course, well- taught by the experienced tutor. I have found the post-course assignment very useful, and the information pack given to us on the day is invaluable.
Good grounding in base knowledge of industry and key information on how to become a script reader. Thank you for your hard work
This was a really interesting and well taught day. The post-course project and information pack is especially helpful to continue the work afterwards.
A great and intense course, giving you all the tools you need to become a Script Reader, while also being able to cater to each attendant’s personal needs. Highly recommended.
Excellent course, fantastic experienced tutor who articulated her wealth of information concisely and honestly. Thank you!
I learnt so much valuable information about both the UK film industry, and the realities of Script Reading. Sophie, the professional Script Reader leading the course was very knowledgeable, friendly and welcomed questions. I’ve already put my new-found skills to practice so I’m very glad I signed up!
Couldn’t have asked for a better one day introductory course! The tutor was warm and very informative, and provided fantastic industry insight. Extensive resources are made available, including plenty of script report examples for reference. The first half of the course seemed a little rushed, but as others have pointed out, there is a lot to cram in. It is a good idea to spend some time sifting through learning materials after the course as a refresher. Post course assignment gives you a real taste of professional reading, and you can use it as an opportunity to decide if it is your cup of tea. A perfect intro to the development field.
A very useful and insightful course. At times it does feel slightly rushed, but only because of the huge amount of information to get across within a limited time, and the download pack you receive at the start means you can always review the notes and other resources after the course in your own time. Would highly recommend to aspiring screen readers, screenwriters, and anyone who wants to gain a better understanding of what makes a promising and commercially appealing script. Thank you!
Great course just for the industry insider advice on its own. Script theory is not covered in great detail but there are plenty of resources out there for that, it is the industry advice that is much harder to come by and far more valuable in finding work.
A well structured and insightful course that not only breaks down the core essential skills for script reading, but also fans the flame of interest in following up what is taught.
An absolutely brilliant, information packed day. The tutor was concise and easily equipped to answer any of the questions thrown at him. I finished the day confident in my ability to write a script report. Highly recommend!
Not only a great course for budding script writers but invaluable for anyone wishing to get into the film industry. This course will also serve those with established careers who want to understand the development process better. Recommended.
Good course! Informative. Tutor was good.
The course was information-packed and the tutor was articulate and entertaining. I recommend it.
Intense. Informative. Invaluable. This course offers great insight into being a script reader. It takes you through all phases of the process from how to get a reading job right through to analysis, effective writing and presentation. Definitely worth it!
Packed course with lots of great insights for being a script reader or writer.
This was certainly an intense day packed with lot of useful info. I especially appreciate the additional documentation provided on the course with multiple reports (I always find useful to see how professionals do it) as well as ‘black list’ scripts (generally hard to get) to build your own portfolio. It is too soon to judge how effective the presented tactics of getting job are but certainly gives an idea. Definitely recommend.
Good introduction to script reading and useful for both beginners and those with more experience as a refresher on what makes a script work.
Well run and tightly constructed, this course provides a brilliant introduction into Script Reading, covering all elements of constructing a successful report.
Very useful. A valuable insight into the industry as well as some great advice
Great course. Very informative
Even as someone who has previously done script reading in another industry, this was the perfect opportunity to learn how the UK film and television works their script development and what films are filling the marketplace. An excellent industry tutor was provided and participants were given a fantastic place to start their script dev careers. Looking forward to putting my new knowledge to good use.
Fantastic course. Intensive and packed full of invaluable information and advice. The teacher really knew his stuff and everything was clear and easy to follow, as well as really interesting. I learned loads and came out feeling much better equipped to read scripts critically.
A brilliant course for screenwriters, producers, script-readers, development executives – in fact for anyone who works in film. The course was very well structured and comes with detailed notes on dissecting scripts, as well as a good collection of script report examples and screenplays to read for oneself. I found the course to be exactly what I was looking for; a thorough and intense grounding in how to evaluate a script and a great tool belt of essential keys in what is necessary for a script to have it what it takes to be a fire proof blue print for a good film. Great tutor and well worth the money. Highly recommend!
Great course to introduce you to the world of script-reading. Opportunity to learn everything you need to pay attention to when assessing a script, so useful for script-readers and script-writers alike. Would have been good to have a bit more time assessing some examples but overall the course was very helpful.
Informative and well delivered. A very good tutor. Definitely a valuable experience.
An information-packed day, fast-paced and a brilliant introduction to the script reading process and business. Great to have the opportunity to apply the learning and receive feedback. Highly recommend for anyone sizing up the job!
An excellent course and thoroughly enjoyable. Exceptionally detailed, an enormous amount of information was given during the course of the day, and delivered by a great tutor. I came to this course to strengthen my reading skills as a Producer, but I would be confident in the training and knowledge given to go ahead and pursue work as a script reader after this course. Highly recommended.
Excellent course packed full of information from script reading theory to how to find work as a script reader. Lots of helpful examples given throughout the day, plus an extensive pack of course material provided for further reading. Overall, a very insightful and enjoyable day.
A very good and information packed day. As a writer looking to develop as a script reader it gave me a good base to work from and the tutor was able to answer all questions asked in a fun and interesting way. Would recommend.
Brilliant Course. Superb Teaching. Excellent introduction to the industry. 10/10! I would recommend this course to anyone serious about becoming a screenwriter.
The Effective Script Reading course is exactly what I was looking for. It not only teaches you the fundamentals of script analysis, but also takes you through the daunting process of finding work and starting your career as a script reader. It’s barely been a week and I’ve already used what I learned to land myself some work in the industry.
A very well planned course that packed a huge amount in. As a writer rather than aspiring reader, it’s really helpful to have the tools to view your work through a reader’s lens. The tutor was knowledgeable and friendly, and there was a good mix of information and discussion. The post-course assignment is a really good choice in terms of applying the learning. I would definitely tell writer friends about this course and would certainly use Industrial Scripts’ script analysis services for my own work. Recommend!
A very insightful and information packed day. The amount that was thrown at us was incredibly helpful and our teacher was very apt at making us understand how hard this part of the industry was to get in to. This was very refreshing. The course was broken down well and there was just about time to get in a few questions. I believe a two day course would be interesting as it would give the teacher and students more time to converse and allow the course to be more practical during the teaching time. I would definitely recommend this course to others hoping to garner further information about the script reading process. Thank you!
Really great course, well worth the money. Was intense but a lot of useful information gained from a very knowledgable tutor.
Just what I was hoping for! The course was perfectly planned out covering an array of subjects in great timing. The notes provided were and still are very helpful, and I feel confident that my skills benefited (as a writer and a reader) from the course.
Fantastic! Really, really great experience, the tutor knew what he was talking about and conducted the class debate about the script well and fairly. The day was well planned out, very thorough but also maintained a good pace for taking in all the information. A really good experience for people who work in the media or those who have an interest in film. Strongly recommend!
Exactly what I had in mind when I booked the course, very thorough and informative. Literally learnt more about how to get work on this one day course than I did in a three year screenwriting course.
The course gave a great introduction to not only what being a script reader involves, but also to how a successful screenplay is put together. Our tutor was engaging and knowledgable, and although there was a lot of sitting still and listening he really crammed a huge amount of information into the day. Highly recommend.
A great course. So much information crammed in and the tutor was friendly, supportive and encouraging. Although there was a lot of sitting and listening, it went quickly because it was interesting. It was great to see examples and film clips to illustrate the points the tutor was making. The post course assignment puts everything we’ve learnt into action. I would recommend this course.
A very informative course for those with no experience and a great insight into the industry and script reading as a career. Our teacher was very knowledgeable and transmitted well his professional experience with useful tips. I strongly recommend the course.
The course was informative and enjoyable, and I would definitely recommend.
A useful course for non-screenwriters (prod. dept.) looking to gain an insight into the narrative side of the business. Good focus on market and audience segmentation. Recommend.
This course gives you a very solid grounding to the nuts and bolts of how to write a script report with some good, practical advice about the industry. The tutor was very informed and enthusiastic, giving out useful pointers on how to get started as a reader and where that might lead. My only quibbles are that there’s perhaps too much crammed into the day for someone new to script reading, more information on how to assess a film’s market positioning would have been helpful and it’s a shame the tutor isn’t contractually allowed to give out his email address, because I’m sure there were follow up questions the students had. Still, I would recommend this course as a crash course to script reading.
The course was well structured and enjoyable, the tutor able to sustain interest and interaction throughout an intense day, and he covered a good range of topics including the practical, day-to-day bits, focussing on both the craft and the business sides. Pretty useful. Only note is about the post-course assignment: the efficiency test is a tad harsh, feedback on your own report is so important that perhaps a different system should be implemented so that participants get both their feedback and the unbearable guilt of having failed one of the 8 points. I haven’t sent mine in yet and I’m very anxious! I would recommend this course nonetheless.
Very helpful and informative course, taught well with very useful training in finding script reading jobs
Very interesting and simply explained. The follow up emailed lessons were an extremely effective way of retaining information. Quite inspiring.
This course was really effective for anyone interested in developing their skills as a script reader. Not only does it cover the basic elements of a script report in a good amount of detail, but it also focuses on the industry itself and where a script reader sits within the world of production and development. The pre and post course assignments are also very useful and a great way to showcase what you have learnt on the day. I would definitely recommend.
The course delivered exactly what had been promised. The tutor was both engaging and clear in his presentation of the materials. There was a good balance of tuition and group discussion and as a student I felt comfortable participating without fear of ‘getting it wrong.’ It was also a great opportunity to meet others trying to obtain work in this field, and to learn more about the lay of the land in the industry. I would strongly recommend this course to anyone starting out in script reading as a very clear and informative overview of the basics, or to anyone already experienced in the field as a good refresher course.
I really enjoyed the course: the trainer was great, the materials excellent. Thank a lot.
The courses practicalities of the business were a great addition to what I was expecting. Information was at an almost perfect pace, making you work to take it all in but not going so fast as to lose you.
The pre and post assignment were not only useful for having your script reading skills put into practice but also in showing you how much you know and have learnt.
A worth while day for readers, writers and anyone interested in working in film production.
A very informative and encouraging day, with a few surprising tips.
Gave me exactly what I wanted. An intense day but the assessment was fair and useful for my career going forward. Very good will look out for them and their courses in the future.
Really worthwhile course that followed the structure advertised. Useful post-course reading material suggested. The list of potential script reading contacts and information on the industry is invaluable, saving hours of research. Many thanks to Industrial Scripts for a great day!
This course was a really solid overview of reading for various companies, although I do agree it would be great to see more for television. Obviously, you can only fit so much in to one day. The first part largely duplicated the scriptwriting course, which rather disappointed me, as I was looking to focus more on the second part of the day – how to write ABOUT scripts. However, it never hurts to be reminded, and this part of the workshop will definitely be of use to people who haven’t been exposed to three-act structure, etc. By far the most useful thing was to go over the sample script during the in-class exercise, and be able to try out our own skills afterwards, with the help of the sample script report. I also found the tutor’s explanation of the realities of script reading (time taken, amount paid, possible career progression), a really good introduction to the industry. It’s definitely not for the faint-hearted, and I like that this wasn’t glossed over. The contacts sheet is also much appreciated! If you’re considering doing this, do. It’s not nearly as long as a degree in media studies, nor as expensive, but it will do the same job.
A great introduction to script reading for those who have no experience at all and also for those who have some experience it is a great way to expand on knowledge already obtained. Although I agree it felt a little rushed towards the end and it was not equally weighed between focusing on both scripts for series and for films, it was very informative, engaging and relevant to todays industry for both getting work and doing the work itself. I would definitely recommend this course.
Packed with information, this one day course delivers. Very useful.
The script reading course was informative and interesting. It offered tips and examples of how to write good coverage of a script and highlighted the pitfalls some script readers fall into. The preparation required before the course and the exercise after the course is very useful in getting practical experience. It was very film based which I wasn’t opposed to but a variation of analyzing TV scripts and Radio dramas would have been useful too. However overall I was really impressed.
The course was interesting and covered many elements of story development and genre conventions. Sharing thoughts on the pre-assigned script was highly valuable and led to a more interactive section of the day, although more time spend on the construction of a script report as a result of this would have set up the post-course assignment a little more if time had allowed. There is simply so much to cover in one day! Overall, a good introduction to script reading and nice opportunity to meet like-minded people.
The course was well presented and covered a lot of information in the time available. Knowledgeable and informed course tutor.
The course was enjoyable as well as informative and provided a real insider’s view of this aspect of the script development process. The tutor’s use of actual script reports and film clips to illustrate his points was excellent. I would agree that the second half of the day felt a little rushed, especially the discussion of narrative structure. The post-course assignment is, however, a great opportunity to review, and hopefully learn from, the material covered and I look forward to receiving the tutor’s feedback.
I learned a great deal in this one day course, and I felt that discussing a script we had all read was particularly helpful. My only critique is that the pacing of the course did not follow the outline we received ahead of time and it felt like we were a bit behind and had to rush to finish everything on the list. All in all, still a great experience and I would take a course with Industrial Scripts again.
The course was insightful and useful for all areas of filmmaking. The post course assessment is also a really good idea. I would like more examples of script reports for films that we all know and love or hate. Overall it was good.
The first, and still the best: our Script Reading Course first ran way back in January 2010, and has been selling out, month-on-month, ever since. The first course to focus attention on the ways script readers find work, as well as how to analyse and report-write effectively, the course can’t turn you into a great script reader overnight, but it sure can accelerate the process…