How to Write Romance Online Course
Use our powerful online course to write your romance novel, the perfect way. Get lifetime access today!

Industrial Scripts was founded by a Warner Bros., Paramount and Scott Free script consultant
In the course we’ll teach you how to…

Maximize Your Writing Time
Time – or the lack of it – is the great pain point of the write. You can’t develop all your ideas in to full novels. You can’t write all day, because you’ve got a day job. With us you’ll learn the pro tips and tactics to get the most of yourself, and your time.

Network (Even If You Know No-One In Showbiz)
Building relationships is an absolutely fundamental part of being an author. Today, you have to hustle, as well as write well – there’s no other way. We teach you all the short-cuts and insider tactics.

Dodge Mistakes & Accelerate Progress
Working out how to start your career as a author is one of the trickiest parts of the process, both creatively and in a business sense. After taking our course, you’ll have a crystal-clear view of the pathway ahead, what to do, and crucially what NOT to do…

About The Fundamentals of Screenwriting
Writing romance fiction is a craft, but when you begin to unpick your favourite novels it’ll soon become clear that there’s familiar methods, systems and narrative structures in play. After taking our course you’ll know romantic fiction structure, back to front.

Our Courses Are a Mixture of Video, Text, Quizzes and Writing Exercises
Our courses have been deliberately designed to encourage writers to learn as they write. Ideally, you’ll complete a full movie script as you work your way through the modules and lessons. Ultra-specific exercises that you can do even when you’re not online are peppered throughout the course, so you’re writing even on your daily commute!
Romantic Fiction is BIG Business…

Millions of women worldwide have become faithful fans of the Mills and Boon books. One of their top authors, Penny Jordan, has written more than 170 novels and sold more than 70 million books worldwide.
But how are you going to make your romantic erotic novel stand out on the crowded shelves?
Romances come in almost as many types as there are kinds of readers—from erotic fantasies to inspirational faith-based stories, from historical to contemporary, from dark suspense to light humor, from girl next door looking for Mr. Right to urban chick looking for a new fling.
> Do you have a story that is full of passion, intrigue and fantasy?
> Have you created a pair of characters fizzing with sexual chemistry?
> Can you write scenes that transport the reader to a world of desire, thrills and seduction?
We can take you through every step of the process of getting a Romance & Erotic novel written and published if you follow the lessons closely, complete the exercises, and develop your manuscript alongside your learning.
You can choose to study the entire course before working on a project, or you can incrementally use the lessons to help write your novel – whichever works best for you!

Maria Di Matteo
Author, Naples
“Like many, I was drawn to write romance and erotic fiction by Fifty Shades of Grey. So the case study the course delivers on this was particularly interesting to me. I also found the module on the business of romance really enlightening”.
Give Your Novel The Best Start In Life…
The novel, so they say, is like a writer’s baby: you birth it, raise it, sustain it, and then release it in to the world. But there are so many pitfalls, both in terms of the artistic process, and The Industry. Skyrocket your odds of success with Write Romance Online Course – you won’t regret it!

Our Unique Quiz System Pushes You to Absorb The Information
You probably think the quizzes in our courses are easy, right? Think again: we’ve made them deliberately tricky to keep you on your toes while you’re learning. Our system won’t let you move forward to the next lesson until you’ve nailed the quiz. True character is only revealed under pressure…
“The quizzes at the end of each Lesson are great. It would be so easy to skim over the information, but the course system really forces you to absorb the learnings. I completed my first romance novel while learning, and I honestly could not have done it without the course”.

Melody Curry
Author, New York City
The Course Structure:
Modules > Lessons > Quizzes
Our Write Romance Online Course is divided into 6 core Modules, which together consist of 22 Lessons.
The course puts an early emphasis on selecting strong ideas for your novels, before looking at major structural and character topics, case studies and finally securing a publishing deal.

What You Get:
> Lifetime access to our epic online screenwriting for TV course.
> 6+ Core Modules, 26+ Lessons, Countless Exercises and Quizzes.
> Entertaining balance of video, text, exercise and quiz-based learning to keep you on your toes.
> Giant suite of bonus eBooks, unique guides, 40+ produced screenplays and more.
> From Industrial Scripts, the most reviewed script coverage company anywhere.
> Certificate of Completion.
“People think writing romance is easy: it isn’t. Trust me, I tried. This course totally cured my writer’s block, just by simplifying everything and reminding why I got in to writing romance in the first place”.

Tammy Lou Maynard
Write Romance – Online Course Structure
An Introduction to Romance & Erotic Writing
4 Lessons + Exercises + Videos + Quizzes
> What it Takes to be a Novelist Lesson
> Story Writing Prerequisites
> Narrative Structure Lesson
> The Definitive 12 Week Calendar to Your First Novel
Understanding How To Write Romance
3 Lessons + Exercises + Videos + Quizzes
> History of the Genre/Plot Types
> Blueprints for Success (Case Studies)
> Anatomy of a Mega-Hit (Case Studies)
Developing a Romantic Plot
3 Lessons + Exercises + Videos + Quizzes
> Crafting a Romantic Plot
> Creating Compelling Characters
> Writing Great Sex Scenes
Crafting Complex Characters
4 Lessons + Exercises + Videos + Quizzes
> Romance Genre Do’s & Don’ts
> Writing Convincing Dialogue
> Effective Use of Description
> Building Sexual Conflict & Tension
4 Lessons + Exercises + Videos + Quizzes
> Reaching the 1st Draft Mark
> Tackling Revisions
> Further Drafts and Is Your Novel Ready?
> Prepping for Submission
The Final Steps
4 Lessons + Exercises + Videos + Quizzes
> The Submisson Process
> Negotiating with Publishers
> Self-Publishing Options
> Marketing Your Work and Creating a Profile
Bonus Study Materials + Guides
Get full access to our suite of unique study guides when you purchase any course. The pack includes…
6 x eBooks on challenging areas of screenwriting
3 x study guides on the industry and navigating it
Template agent & manager query letter
Detailed script coverage sample
40+ PDF Screenplays of Successful Movies
“The 20 Screenplays You Can Learn The Most From”
Script coverage templates
And more!

Choose Your Payment Option
Serious Writer
Purchase ULTIMATE Screenwriting Online and save yourself a hell of a lot of pain! We made all the mistakes you WILL make a long time ago, let us save you from them.

“Such a great experience. This course totally helped clarify for me what I’m looking to achieve in the genre.”

Kristen Robb
Author, Seattle

Start Living Your BEST
Writing Life Today
Life’s short: you’re not here to get rich, you just want to develop amazing novels, to work with characters day-in, day-out, tinker with dialogue, cut a line here, add some scene description there.
You’re an Author. And Write Romance Online Is For You.

Don’t Worry, We’ve Got You Covered
If any of the information on this page turns out to be inaccurate or we don’t deliver what is promised then you can get a full refund at any time within 30 days of purchase, no questions asked. Simply raise a support ticket here detailing how the information is inaccurate and we’ll refund you within 7 days.

Industrial Scripts
Specialist Script Developers Since 2010
About Industrial Scripts®
Founded in 2010, Industrial Scripts is today one of the world’s leading screenwriting companies, backed by major companies and with over 1,000 verified testimonials.
Our script consultants have significant industry credentials, writing coverage for companies and studios including Paramount Pictures, Warner Bros., Universal and many more. Working with screenwriters and filmmakers of all levels and from myriad locations, we also deliver intensive training both online and offline.
While our free Talent Connector promotes talent to the industry, our popular blog – Character-Driven – educates and entertains. We believe that rigorous script development is the foundation of great film and TV and is, indeed, essential.
Without it, the end product will fail.
Frequently Asked Questions
Got questions? Here are the most common queries we’re sent about the course…
How long do I get access for?
Through purchasing the course you’re guaranteed lifetime (or as long as the course exists/is on sale, and we have zero intention of folding it!) access. You can take it once, twice, three times…or as many times as you want.
Is the course mobile-friendly?
Whilst it’s possible to take the course on tablets and mobile devices, you’re going to get the best experience taking it on Google Chrome, on a stable broadband connection.
Do I have to write a full novel while taking the course?
Whilst we highly recommend writing AS you move your way through the course modules, it’s not essential. Invariably you’ll have a lot of ideas for novels while taking it, so we strongly recommend jotting down notes and keep track of all your ideas as you go.
How many hours does it take to complete the course?
If you complete a full 120-page screenplay as advised, we’d estimate that completing the course and script will take in excess of 100 hours. And that’s before you get to the Bonus Materials. On the flip side, if you want to speed through the course that is probably achievable (though not recommended) within 20 hours.