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for Serious Writers & Filmmakers

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Why Industrial Scripts®?

We help writers and filmmakers maximize their potential…

Over 1,500 Verified Reviews

Most of the script development companies you’ll come across have vague, MIA testimonials slyly stitched together from select clients. By contrast there are over 1,500 Industrial Scripts reviews by customers on Google-approved reviews portals. These reviews are rubber-stamped as genuine. View them here.

Est. 2010

It feels like every week a new “script consultant” spills forth from the internet. These rarely last long, and for good reason: they’re not providing a credible service. Established in early 2010, Industrial Scripts has celebrated a successful decade in business. And we’re hopeful our track record speaks for itself, accordingly.

Close Ties to Industry

What do mega-producer Tim Bevan, TV legend Caryn Mandabach, and talent agency behemoth Duncan Heath have in common? They’ve all trusted us to deliver private Q & As for them. Further, all our services and courses have been designed by working industry professionals. They’re by the industry, for you.

Just some of the companies our readers have worked for..

Industrial Scripts reviews verified

With 1,500+ verifications, we are the most reviewed script co. around…


Heavyweight Industry
Figures Make Time For Us…

caryn mandabach industrial scripts

Caryn Mandabach

The legendary producer of a series of mega-hits including ROSEANNE, 3rd ROCK FROM THE SUN, THE COSBY SHOW, NURSE JACKIE, THAT 70s SHOW and PEAKY BLINDERS mingled with our members after a fascinating Q & A.

Tom Hiddleston

On the cusp of stardom, THE NIGHT MANAGER, THOR and THE AVENGERS actor granted us an exclusive in-depth look at his stellar career both in Hollywood and the UK.

tim bevan film producer industrial scripts

Tim Bevan

Working Title Films’ Tim Bevan – one of the great film producers of the last 30 years – granted us an exclusive Q & A where he shed light on his phenomenal producing career.

Duncan Heath

The Co-Chairman of Independent Talent – one of the world’s most influential talent agencies – delivered insights and laughs in equal measure to our crowd of guests and members.

faye ward producer industrial scripts

Faye Ward

THE CROWN and STAN & OLLIE producer joined us for a fascinating career Q & A and networking drinks afterwards.

How Can We Help?

Industry-leading script coverage, world-class script doctors, online screenwriting courses and an enormous blog – we equip our clients with best-in-class tools to skyrocket their skills.

Why do Screenwriters Need Script Coverage Now, More Than Ever?

Forensic Script Notes Await…

No more bargain bin script coverage written by interns…

With 10 carefully selected script development services ranging from huge in-depth script reports, to intense 1-to-1 script editing days through full-blown script doctoring and beyond, you know when you hire Industrial Scripts, you’re hiring specialists. 

No more bargain bin notes so cheap they can only be written by interns, no more extortionate notes by “gurus” and “fauxpros” selling themselves as “pro”, in-work screenwriters.


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