1,000+ Produced Scripts PDF Suite
Finally, no more roving around the internet spending an eternity individually downloading movie and TV screenplays. We’ve done all the heavy-lifting for you: download our vast suite of screenplays in PDF form. A lifetime of learning, for less than the price of a meal out.
“If you don’t have time to read, you don’t have the time (or the tools) to write. Simple as that.”

Stephen King
Iconic Author

Script Folders Include
If you want to be a great screenwriter, reading movie and TV screenplays– and lots of them – is literally your first and only stop. It comes before spending money on expensive degree courses, before booking any screenplay coverage, before even learning how to write screenplay. Before everything else, comes reading a lot…
For your ease of reference, we’ve deliberately filed the screenplays in to separate folders. These include…
A-Z Movie Scripts
A giant folder of PDFs of produced movie scripts.
TV Scripts & Bibles
Classic TV scripts and bibles for some of the most popular shows.
Two folders of Oscar-winning Original and Adapted screenplays.
The best of British screenwriting and screenplays.
Black List Scripts
Some of the best recent scripts from The Black List.
Genre Folders
11 separate folders of genre-specific screenplays.
Auteur Folders
Folders of writer-director specific screenplays.
Lo-Budget Folder
DUEL, REAR WINDOW and more in the lo-budget folder.
PDF screenplays in the pack

Upload scripts to your devices and constantly be learning, on the move…

Download A Lifetime Of Learning Scripts…
Easily download all 1,000+ screenplays to your phone or tablet and learn 24/7, on the move…
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✔ Build the marginal gains required to succeed
“If you want to be a writer, you must do two things above all others: read a lot and write a lot. There’s no way around these two things that I’m aware of, no shortcut.”

Stephen King
Iconic Author
“Reading Scripts Is Vital…”
“I was reading scripts, doing script coverage, for CAA. Reading hundreds and hundreds of scripts across the board, from blind submissions to BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN. It was not always a pleasant task but something, in hindsight, I’m very glad I did…”
D.B Weiss, Co-Creator, GAME OF THRONES

Download Now – $35.00
Easily download all 1,000+ screenplays to your phone or tablet and learn 24/7, on the move…
✔ Easily search and download screenplays
✔ Upload them to your device or tablet
✔ Build the marginal gains required to succeed

Upload scripts to your devices and constantly be learning, on the move…
Readers Say
Breakfast club is a classic so that’s where I started. I’ve downloaded on to my Kindle so I can dip in to these wherever I am. It’s all very well taking a course to write a good script but until you see something like this, it’s hard to actually see how to bring your script to life.

Stacey Kyle
Fascinating to see the similarities between animated films and live action films. I was expecting to see huge differences but there aren’t any. As an avid reader these will keep me entertained for many many hours to come, starting with The Departed. I immediately got out my DVD to watch and read at the same time. This has helped the script I am currently working on no end.

Dan Ojomoh
Had to put these on a memory stick due to the sheer size of the file, but I can’t complain. So many scripts it’s hard to know where to start, so I started with Silence of the Lambs. This was incredible to see the film in this form. Compelling reading and as a writer, extremely useful as research.

Fred Rosen
Scale Your Knowledge For $35.00
Years of learning from the very best in the business. At a fraction of the cost of screenwriting degree.
As a budding script writer, these are excellent research material. As an avid reader, these are diverse and interesting reading material. I have learned the most, however, by reading ‘Frozen’ out loud to my children. Reading a script is one thing, but actually performing it for yourself gives a deep insight in to the mechanics of how it works and how things interact. As additional material for my course, this is a wonderful buy.
Fascinating to see the similarities between animated films and live action films. I was expecting to see huge differences but there aren’t any. As an avid reader these will keep me entertained for many many hours to come, starting with The Departed. I immediately got out my DVD to watch and read at the same time. This has helped the script I am currently working on no end.
This has given me reading material for many months to come. I decided to read a script for a film I’d not yet seen, so I chose ‘I smile back.’ Having read it, I then watched the film while referring to the script. Reading it and then seeing it come to life really gave me an insight in to how scripts work. I’ll be doing the same again, both with films I have and haven’t seen and I will carry on reading and learning.
Being able to read a professional script, and one you can relate to is important for any budding script writer. There is plenty of research material in this pack so I’m not short of scripts to read. Of all the many in here I was drawn to Despicable Me. I thought an animated film, and one my kids love, would be an interesting place to start, and I wasn’t wrong. There is so much advice in here simply by reading.
I got a little carried away reading the script for Grease – I started singing to all the songs as I went along. There’s such a lot to choose from that whatever style or genre you’re writing for, there’ll be plenty of research here for you.
Breakfast club is a classic so that’s where I started. I’ve downloaded on to my Kindle so I can dip in to these wherever I am. It’s all very well taking a course to write a good script but until you see something like this, it’s hard to actually see how to bring your script to life.
Had to put these on a memory stick due to the sheer size of the file, but I can’t complain. So many scripts it’s hard to know where to start, so I started with Silence of the Lambs. This was incredible to see the film in this form. Compelling reading and as a writer, extremely useful as research. I’ll be reading a comedy or maybe Frozen next to find out how similar, or different the two genres are.
What’s not to like. As a writer there’s some great reference material here. As a reader, there’s some great reading. I intended to read Argo to check out how the action scenes are written, but I’ve since been drawn to the TV pilots. These, to me, offer great insight as these were the ones that caught the eye of the producers.
I decided a good way to learn was to read a few scripts first. This is a good way to understand not only the style but how different styles of film vary. My favourite is Juno, which I’ve seen countless times. Seeing it on paper is weird but also gives a good, in depth understanding of the film.
Not only are these a great read but they show you the differences and similarities between different genres. I read 12 years a slave and Frozen, two totally different kinds of film. Seeing the text laid out and being able to visualise each scene made writing a screenplay seem a little less daunting.
The one main drawback with this is that you need a lot of memory to download it, but that’s because you get so many. I’ve read and reread the Lady in the Van and I know I’ll be just as fascinated when I read others. I picked that one out because I just saw the film and it was fresh in my memory. This is a great way to not only read and enjoy, but to learn how to format and develop a script too.
Great selection and really interesting to read once you’ve completed the screenwriting course. I started with the Godfather purely because it’s one of my favourite films. Not only is it simply a good read, but it brings it all to life as well. Knowing the film I can see just how everything gels together.
Really excellent value and a great aid to writing a good script. I love the Rocky films so I started with that one. It was fascinating to see how it developed and how the script is actually formatted. It made me appreciate that there’s much more to a good script than simply having a good story.
The clue’s in the title with this product: over 1000 produced screenplays, all in PDF format, you can read and read and read. And if you read and read and read, your writing will soar…