What is an Unreliable Narrator and How Do You Write One?

American Psycho Unreliable Narrator

It’s comforting to settle into a story where we can trust the narrator to guide us easily and expertly. The narrator is, after all, the audience’s compass through the story, …

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What is a Mary Sue Character And How Do You Avoid Writing One?

Rey Mary Sue Character

In recent years, there has been a lot of dialogue around who the term Mary Sue can be ascribed to and what constitutes it. But what, fundamentally, is a Mary …

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Writing The Unlikeable Protagonist: How to Craft a Great Antihero

Walter White Creating Characters

The Role of the Unlikeable Protagonist ‘Unlikeable protagonist’ sounds like an oxymoron. However, they’re a common occurrence in all forms of storytelling. The antihero protagonist is an increasingly prominent presence …

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