The KEY Building Blocks to Writing a GOOD Romantic Comedy

Crazy, Stupid Love, Writing Romantic Comedy

The romantic comedy goes all the way back to Shakespeare, with plays such as Much Ado About Nothing and A Midsummer Night’s Dream being full of love triangles and comic …

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The Comedy Horror Movie: The KEYS to Both Laughs and Scares

Write a Comedy Horror Movie

Washington Irving’s short story The Legend of Sleepy Hollow has been cited as “the first great comedy horror story”, as readers were made to “laugh one moment and scream the …

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How Do You Write BRILLIANT and ALTERNATIVE Teen Drama?

Stranger Things - Teen Drama

Teen drama is one of the most enduring genres to have graced TV screens since its inception. We’ve all been teenagers at some point. And the heartbreak, emotions, journeys, discoveries, …

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What Makes A Great Action And Adventure Movie Script?

Temple of Doom Action

The action and adventure movie genre is one that often sits at the top of the box office. It’s a genre that can have a wide reach across many different …

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