Industrial Scripts reaches 1,000 Verified Reviews

Landmark in Reviews

In a unique landmark for a screenplay consultancy, Industrial Scripts is delighted to announce that the company recently secured its 1,000th verified review of its services, courses and products.

The reviews were largely collected using Google-approved 3rd party reviews websites where the reviewing process takes place between the review site and the customer.

These sites include:

  • TrustPilot
  • ReviewCentre

In addition, the Industrial Scripts website has built-in functionality which allows it to verify customer reviews as genuine, and many clients left reviews in this way, particular on our Effective Script Reading Course (144 reviews) and our Film Coverage Report service (95 reviews).

But the lion’s share were left on the sites above, and include the unique purchase details required to secure the vital “Verified Buyer” label (see below), from the reviews platform in question.

verified script coverage services

A 93%+ overall score…

Whilst it’s impossible to leave all clients feeling satisfied, particularly in the nebulous and subjective arena of script consultancy, the hard statistics across these sites follow a trend:

The difference between verified reviews and unverified reviews is that a unique purchase identifier is required to prove that the customer is…a customer.

Typically this identifier is a unique PayPal or credit card transaction ID, which prevents the company from fictionalising reviews.

Google relies on – and patrols – 3rd party reviews websites to ensure that they are meeting the highest standard in review collection.

industrial scripts reviews

Here at Industrial Scripts we believe these sites do a vital job in screening reviews in a way that so many platforms, including the major social networks, do not.

With over 35% of online shoppers confessing to never leaving reviews, it’s fair to say that the company has had to persevere with its collection and invitation, a strategy that has at last paid dividends.

On the subject of the landmark, Industrial Scripts’ General Manager, Victoria Carrington commented:

“We’re obviously delighted to have passed the almost mythical 1,000 testimonials mark. It’s something of a red-letter day in the ever-changing script development landscape. This figure has been a long time coming, and as any online platform will tell you, securing reviews at all in this distracted world isn’t easy.

I’d particularly like to take this opportunity to thank the skilled and hard-working script consultants and course leaders who’ve worked for us over the 8-plus years the company’s been in business.

If ever the phrase “we couldn’t have done it without you” was apt, it’s here.


Our Favourite Review

Narrowing down our favourite client review was challenging, with a number of erudite and carefully considered contenders.

But ultimately it was “Hardcore” Nick Copeman, from way back in 2015 (for our Dry Run Report on his project CLASS), which amused IS staff the most:

Nick wins a fresh Dry Run Report, on a project of his choice, free of charge.

Over to Nick:

industrial scripts review

If you’d like to read more reviews of Industrial Scripts – many, granted, not as entertaining as Nick’s, then use the button below to head on over to our reviews page where you can click through to the various reviews platforms we use.


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