PLEASE NOTE: we are no longer accepting applications for these positions, and they are no longer available. Please do not enquire about them. Thank you for your co-operation in advance.
Write for Industrial Scripts

Are you hugely cine-literate?
Do you devour great films and TV shows the second they arrive?
Do you spend time studying classics from the past, looking for trends, details, interesting character developments, effective plot points?
Do you already have a solid working knowledge of the industry, and an ability to research effectively?
Are you hell-bent on making it as a screenwriter, author or filmmaker?
Are you looking for another regular, reliable revenue stream to complement your other sources?
If so we have the perfect sideline job for you – read on…
Write Articles for Industrial Scripts
With over 1m page views some months, Industrial Scripts’ website is one of the most visited in the screenwriting and filmmaking arena.
We’re delighted to be able to offer this platform to great content writers, who are keen to impart their wisdom, research and learning, see their work read by thousands, and get paid for doing it.
With over 1m page views some months, our website is one of the most visited in the screenwriting world. We can deliver a platform for your article writing to soar…
We don’t care where you live, where you studied, who you’re friends with, whether you’re in the industry currently…
….if you can write, that’s good enough for us.
We will judge you solely on your writing, and your ability to follow instructions to the absolute letter.
How do I apply?
To apply, simply:
- Write a 500-word piece entitled “15 Lessons Screenwriters and Filmmakers Can Take from ___INSERT FILM OR TV SHOW OF YOUR CHOICE”
- Scroll down and click the button below, attaching your resume and sample article.
What sorts of articles will I be asked to write?
Our content output varies and can range from articles on story structure, theme, genres and sub-genres to popular listicles and industry analysis and overviews. We might commission you to write a piece which will require some research (like 20 Hollywood Literary Management Companies You Must Know About) or we might ask you to do some analysis into a classic film or TV show, and write about your findings (We Timed the Death Sequence in PREDATOR, and this is what we learnt…). Work is genuinely varied and we’re ideally looking for multi-skilled writers with broad interests and strong research skills, who can produce a range of great content.
How often will I be expected to produce an article?
We run a tight crew here, so if selected and if you keep your form up, you’ll be expected to produce at least 2 articles a month, and potentially more – we might require one a week, every week. This may vary, of course, but that’s the loose guide. Deadlines will typically be within 7 – 14 days.
How much will I be paid?
We have two payment tiers: $40 USD for an 1,000+ word article, $70 USD for a 2,000+ word article. For the right person(s), there is a very steady, reliable, count-on-it, bet-your-rent-on-it, income stream here for basically doing what you should be doing already – namely analysing shows, movies and the wider industry to death!
In addition, when you become a contributor for us and have had 8 articles successfully published on our site you receive the following in-kind benefits:
- 1 x complimentary place on our Write the Great American TV Script online.
- 1 x complimentary place on our Ultimate Screenwriting Online course.
- 10% off all script feedback bookings during the duration of your work for us.
In a sea of writing-for-free this package is comparable with a giant, generic website like So what are you waiting for? If you’ve got Game, if you’re obsessed by story, if you’re familiar with the industry and it’s internal workings, if you consume film and television like it’s air and if you like seeing your name in print, apply below.
How our payment structure works is that to encourage consistency and familiarity (it takes a while from our end to train you up, and from your end to get familiar with our system, so one-off scribes are less attractive to us) writers are paid every four articles.
I have a screenwriting article to sell that has never appeared online, will you buy it from me?
We do indeed purchase appropriate articles that have either been written for academic purposes, or a print publication that no longer exists. There are certain caveats, however:
- The article you are looking to sell must have never appeared online, or been crawled by Google.
- You must own the copyright and be legally allowed to transfer the copyright to us. You’ll sign a binding disclaimer to this extent, and will be liable in the event the content has ever appeared online, or is unoriginal.
- The piece must contain “evergreen” appeal ie. involve an analysis of a certain sub-genre, or storytelling technique, or classic film or show. What is not an evergreen article is an interview with a personality about a certain film during its release, or a debate-style piece about a topical trend (that’s since passed).
We operate on a fixed purchase price of $30.00 for appropriate articles. If you’d like to sell us your articles please complete the form below, and include a bullet point list of your pieces, their respective lengths, where and when they were published, and why you feel they’d be a good fit for our platform. We’ll then get in touch to request the ones we’re interested in, and if we wish to purchase them send you a contract, and payment via PayPal.
I represent the interests of a brand, product or company of some kind, and was wondering if you accept sponsored posts?
We do indeed, providing they are on-topic, of relevance to our audience, and don’t represent a conflict of interest. Head on over to our advertising page for more details and to get in touch.
What else should I know?
When we first commission you to write an article for us, we’re not going to lie, there’ll be a lot of admin.
However once you get up to speed this will all come naturally, but initially there is a lot to take on board and ensuring you meet the administration requirements of the job is equally important to us as the quality of your writing.
We won’t list all the requirements here, but some of the most important bits to note are as follows:
- As well as writing the article, you will be formatting it too. Full and comprehensive instructions on how to format articles will be sent to you. Only articles that have been formatted correctly by you (not by us, clearing up after you, but by you) will be paid for. If you write the best article in the world, but fail to format it correctly after repeated warnings, well, your invoice will be deleted at a speed roughly approaching the sound barrier and we will then need to stop our other work, wade into the situation, and format your article and publish it ourselves…which will go down like the proverbial lead balloon.
- You will be signing a legally-binding contributor agreement where you guarantee that all articles created by you are 100% original, and have not been scraped or copy and pasted from any other source. If you do submit an article containing unoriginal material, and we get penalised by Google for duplicate content, you will be liable for potentially thousands of dollars of SEO/online reputation damage and you’ll require a very good lawyer and a very large chequebook because we’ll be coming after you with everything we’ve got. Consider this a fact, not a threat. Duplicate content is high stakes stuff. Just as one does not “simply walk into Mordor”, so a person does not simply bounce straight back from a Google penalty.
- Quite often the title of the article will be given to you by IS staff. In that instance, the skill is in hitting the brief precisely and not deviating, and heading off on your own agenda. If you’re in doubt about the topic or what’s required, just ask.
- When you join you’ll sign away copyright in all articles you submit to the site. Industrial Scripts will own the copyright in them in perpetuity and you wouldn’t be able to publish them on your own blog, print them and sell them, distribute them to a mailing list, post them on social media, put them in a book, or anything like that. From the point of commission the ownership in the piece will pass from you to us and we can exploit said piece commercially in any format or platform.
- Going back to the formatting, we work on a “3 strikes rule”. If you submit an article for publication and it contains errors (be they spelling, formatting, hyperlink, or plain quality fail errors) we’ll let you know about these mistakes and give you a shot at correcting them. If you then re-submit and there are still errors we will – with a heavy heart – tell you about them and give you a final shot at correcting them and following protocol. With this final submission if you’ve still failed to produce a properly formatted piece that hits all the beats described, then life becomes too short and we have to intervene to make the corrections and publish the piece ourselves. This strips resources from other areas of the company, costs us critical time, and generally makes steam appear from our ears. If this happens, we publish the piece but you do not get paid and any invoices will be rejected and deleted from our system. In all fairness, if you can’t hit the brief after reading the instruction manual, being warned once, being warned twice, then you can’t have any complaints really. If this happens, in all likelihood, your services will not be required again in the future, because competition is ever-fierce in film and TV and, again, life’s a bit short…
- Deadlines. Deadlines. Deadlines. If you start writing articles for us, you’ll be issued with a deadline on each commission. If you fail to hit a deadline by a few minutes, or a day or two your fee instantly reduces on that particular job by 50%. If you miss the deadline badly, by more than 72 hours, your fee reduces to zero.
- For reasons that are probably obvious, we neither post content about entities whose interests compete with our own, nor hire content writers whose interests compete with our own.
It’s vital that you get paid for your work.
And to get paid for your work, you can’t deviate from the structures and systems established.
So if you’re someone who doesn’t really care about attention to detail, isn’t so fussed with reading instructions carefully, and believes the power of the beautifully written word will overcome all, then this isn’t the bus stop for you.
The quality of your writing and your level of efficiency are equally important to us and we can’t really make this any clearer or transparent.
Thanks for reading, and we look forward to hearing from you!