Apply for Short Film Funding
**Please Note: our Short Film Fund is closed for the foreseeable future as we have pivoted our investment to lo-budget feature films, usually produced and developed with major funding bodies and regional agencies.
In the event you have a lo-budget feature which is either due to enter production imminently – or has already shot – please book script coverage so we can assess the project.
In the event the project achieves an “above Pass” rating, then please open a Support Ticket explaining that you wish to apply for Lo-Budget Feature Funding.
We’d like to thank all of the short filmmakers we’ve worked with down the years (scroll down), and feel grateful we were able to help many of them realise their visions!”
The IS Team x
Industrial Scripts is pleased to be able to offer top-up equity completion finance up to a maximum of $1,250 USD to eligible short films.
These can be short films in either a very advanced stage of development/pre-production or in post-production, and there is no fee to apply.
While every case is different, in return for its investment Industrial Scripts typically takes:
- An Executive Producer credit/position on the film
- A standard recoupment position (in the event the short turns a profit)
Regrettably, due to the volume of submissions received, we are unable to respond to unsuccessful applicants.
Shorts we’ve helped finance include…
MAIRI (2020)
Trailer coming soon..
STATIONARY – Trailer from Louis Chan on Vimeo.
Trailer coming soon…
Old Beginnings Teaser from Suni Khan on Vimeo.
Trailer coming soon…
PROMISE (2017)
Promise – trailer from Neville Pierce on Vimeo.
CLEAN (2017)
CLEAN (2017) – Trailer from Luke Melia on Vimeo.
LOCK IN (2016)
LOCK IN – trailer from Neville Pierce on Vimeo.
How to Apply
If you have a short at a very advanced stage, that’s either been shot already and needs top-up monies OR is odds-on to shoot this year, then please complete the form below.
Please note: failure to include all of the above will render your application invalid and materials will be deleted with the script un-read.
Please also note our standard investment expectations as detailed above and below.
What does Industrial Scripts expect in return for its investment?
As above, submissions are assessed on a case-by-case basis but it would be extremely unusual for us not to take an Executive Producer credit on the short film, and a typical recoupment position. Although with the latter, we recognise that the absolute lion’s share of shorts are not financially profitable.
When does the fund open/close?
The fund is a rolling, annual fund which accepts applications at any time. However as per the above we only invest in up to 5 shorts per annum, so if you see the sign *The fund is now closed for this year* at the top of this page, then you’ll need to wait for it to re-open.
Can I apply from anywhere in the world?
I’ve already shot my film, but need top-up finances for post…can I apply?
Yes. Just make this clear in your application.
How swiftly do you aim to reply to applicants?
We aim to reply to successful applicants within 3 weeks of application. Regrettably due to the volume of applicants we are unable to respond to unsuccessful applications.
Is there anything else I should know?
For clarity, our fund is a late-stage, top-up type. If the film doesn’t picture lock within 3 months of our investment reaching your account, you’ll be contracted to refund the monies within 7 days of that point.